
package jdbc

JDBC-related code, including all facilities for Plain SQL queries and JDBC-specific driver components.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. jdbc
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
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Type Members

  1. class BaseResultConverter [T] extends ResultConverter[JdbcResultConverterDomain, T]

    Specialized JDBC ResultConverter for non-Option values.

  2. class DefaultingResultConverter [T] extends ResultConverter[JdbcResultConverterDomain, T]

    Specialized JDBC ResultConverter for handling non-Optionvalues with a default.

    Specialized JDBC ResultConverter for handling non-Optionvalues with a default. A (possibly specialized) function for the default value is used to translate SQL NULL values.

  3. trait GetResult [+T] extends (PositionedResult) ⇒ T

    Basic conversions for extracting values from PositionedResults.

  4. class GetTupleResult [+T <: Product] extends GetResult[T]

    GetResult for tuple types.

  5. trait Invoker [+R] extends AnyRef

    Base trait for all statement invokers of result element type R.

  6. trait JdbcBackend extends DatabaseComponent

    A JDBC-based database back-end which can be used for Plain SQL queries and with all JdbcProfile-based drivers.

  7. abstract class JdbcFastPath [T] extends ResultConverter[JdbcResultConverterDomain, T]

    A ResultConverter that simplifies the implementation of fast path converters for JdbcProfile.

    A ResultConverter that simplifies the implementation of fast path converters for JdbcProfile. It always wraps a TypeMappingResultConverter on top of a ProductResultConverter, allowing direct access to the product elements.

  8. trait JdbcMappingCompilerComponent extends AnyRef

    JDBC driver component which contains the mapping compiler and insert compiler

  9. trait JdbcResultConverterDomain extends ResultConverterDomain
  10. trait JdbcType [T] extends BaseTypedType[T]

    A JdbcType object represents a Scala type that can be used as a column type in the database.

    A JdbcType object represents a Scala type that can be used as a column type in the database. Implicit JdbcTypes for the standard types of a profile are provided by the drivers.

  11. trait MutatingInvoker [R] extends Invoker[R]

    A special kind of invoker that allows the result data to be mutated .

  12. trait MutatingStatementInvoker [R] extends StatementInvoker[R] with MutatingInvoker[R]
  13. class OptionResultConverter [T] extends ResultConverter[JdbcResultConverterDomain, Option[T]]

    Specialized JDBC ResultConverter for handling values of type Option[T].

    Specialized JDBC ResultConverter for handling values of type Option[T]. Boxing is avoided when the result is None.

  14. class PositionedParameters extends AnyRef

    A wrapper for a JDBC PreparedStatement which allows inceremental setting of parameters without having to sepcify the column index each time.

  15. abstract class PositionedResult extends Closeable

    A database result positioned at a row and column.

  16. abstract class PositionedResultIterator [+T] extends ReadAheadIterator[T] with CloseableIterator[T]

    An CloseableIterator for a PositionedResult.

  17. sealed abstract class ResultSetConcurrency extends AnyRef

    Represents a result set concurrency mode.

  18. sealed abstract class ResultSetHoldability extends AnyRef

    Represents a result set holdability mode .

  19. abstract class ResultSetInvoker [+R] extends Invoker[R]

    An invoker which calls a function to retrieve a ResultSet.

    An invoker which calls a function to retrieve a ResultSet. This can be used for reading information from a java.sql.DatabaseMetaData object which has many methods that return ResultSets.

    For convenience, if the function returns null, this is treated like an empty ResultSet.

  20. trait ResultSetMutator [T] extends AnyRef
  21. sealed abstract class ResultSetType extends AnyRef

    Represents a result set type.

  22. final class SQLInterpolation extends AnyVal
  23. case class SQLInterpolationResult [P](strings: Seq[String], param: P, pconv: SetParameter[P]) extends Product with Serializable
  24. trait SetParameter [-T] extends (T, PositionedParameters) ⇒ Unit

    Basic conversions for setting parameters in PositionedParameters.

  25. class SetTupleParameter [-T <: Product] extends SetParameter[T]

    SetParameter for tuple types.

  26. abstract class StatementInvoker [+R] extends Invoker[R]

    An invoker which executes an SQL statement through JDBC.

  27. class StaticQuery [-P, +R] extends (P) ⇒ Invoker[R]

    A builder for Plain SQL queries.

  28. class StaticQueryInvoker [-P, +R] extends StatementInvoker[R]

    Invoker for Plain SQL queries.

  29. class UnmanagedSession extends jdbc.JdbcBackend.SessionDef

    A JDBC Session which is not managed by Slick.

    A JDBC Session which is not managed by Slick. You can use this to wrap an existing JDBC Connection. Override 'database' and 'performRollback' as needed.

Value Members

  1. object GetResult
  2. object Invoker
  3. object JdbcBackend extends JdbcBackend
  4. object ResultSetConcurrency
  5. object ResultSetHoldability
  6. object ResultSetInvoker
  7. object ResultSetType
  8. object SetParameter
  9. object SpecializedJdbcResultConverter

    Factory methods for JdbcResultConverters which are manually specialized on the underlying JdbcType.

    Factory methods for JdbcResultConverters which are manually specialized on the underlying JdbcType. A generic implementation of this factory still provides allocation free call paths but performs almost 100% slower in the fast path benchmark.

  10. object StaticQuery

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
