Class WorkflowClientOptions.Builder

  • Enclosing class:

    public static final class WorkflowClientOptions.Builder
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Method Detail

      • setDataConverter

        public WorkflowClientOptions.Builder setDataConverter​(DataConverter dataConverter)
        Used to override default (JSON) data converter implementation.
        dataConverter - data converter to serialize and deserialize arguments and return values. Not null.
      • setMetricsScope

        public WorkflowClientOptions.Builder setMetricsScope​(com.uber.m3.tally.Scope metricsScope)
        Sets the scope to be used for the workflow client for metrics reporting.
        metricsScope - the scope to be used. Not null.
      • setIdentity

        public WorkflowClientOptions.Builder setIdentity​(java.lang.String identity)
        Override human readable identity of the worker. Identity is used to identify a worker and is recorded in the workflow history events. For example when a worker gets an activity task the correspondent ActivityTaskStarted event contains the worker identity as a field. Default is whatever (ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName() returns.
      • setQueryRejectCondition

        public WorkflowClientOptions.Builder setQueryRejectCondition​(QueryRejectCondition queryRejectCondition)
        QueryRejectCondition is an optional field used to reject queries based on workflow state. QueryRejectConditionNotOpen will reject queries to workflows that are not open. QueryRejectConditionNotCompletedCleanly will reject queries to workflows that are not completed successfully. (e.g. terminated, canceled timeout etc...)

        Default is null, which means that queries will not be rejected based on workflow state.