Interface TestActivityEnvironment

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface TestActivityEnvironment
    The helper class for unit testing activity implementations. Supports calls to Activity methods from the tested activities. An example test:
       public interface TestActivity {
         String activity1(String input);
       private static class ActivityImpl implements TestActivity {
         public String activity1(String input) {
           return Activity.getTask().getActivityType().getName() + "-" + input;
       public void testSuccess() {
         testEnvironment.registerActivitiesImplementations(new ActivityImpl());
         TestActivity activity = testEnvironment.newActivityStub(TestActivity.class);
         String result = activity.activity1("input1");
         assertEquals("TestActivity::activity1-input1", result);
    Use TestWorkflowEnvironment to test a workflow code.
    • Method Detail

      • registerActivitiesImplementations

        void registerActivitiesImplementations​(java.lang.Object... activityImplementations)
        Registers activity implementations to test. Use newActivityStub(Class) to create stubs that can be used to invoke them.
      • newActivityStub

        <T> T newActivityStub​(java.lang.Class<T> activityInterface)
        Creates a stub that can be used to invoke activities registered through registerActivitiesImplementations(Object...).
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the activity interface.
        activityInterface - activity interface class that the object under test implements.
        The stub that implements the activity interface.
      • setActivityHeartbeatListener

        <T> void setActivityHeartbeatListener​(java.lang.Class<T> detailsClass,
                                              java.util.function.Consumer<T> listener)
        Sets a listener that is called every time an activity implementation heartbeats through Activity.heartbeat(Object).
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the heartbeat details.
        detailsClass - class of the details passed to the Activity.heartbeat(Object).
        listener - listener to register.
      • setActivityHeartbeatListener

        <T> void setActivityHeartbeatListener​(java.lang.Class<T> detailsClass,
                                              java.lang.reflect.Type detailsType,
                                              java.util.function.Consumer<T> listener)
        Sets a listener that is called every time an activity implementation heartbeats through Activity.heartbeat(Object).
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the heartbeat details.
        detailsClass - class of the details passed to the Activity.heartbeat(Object).
        detailsType - type of the details. Differs for detailsClass for generic types.
        listener - listener to register.
      • setWorkflowService

        void setWorkflowService​(IWorkflowService workflowService)