

package ignition

Ignition implicits and helper functions.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  1. ignition
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. abstract class AbstractStep extends Serializable

    Provides base step functionality and controls serializability of the steps.

  2. case class AfterStepComputed[T, R <: FlowRuntime](step: Step[T, R], index: Int, preview: Boolean, value: T) extends StepEvent[T, R] with Product with Serializable

  3. case class BeforeStepComputed[T, R <: FlowRuntime](step: Step[T, R], index: Int, preview: Boolean) extends StepEvent[T, R] with Product with Serializable

  4. implicit final class CSource2[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends AnyVal

  5. implicit final class CSource3[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends AnyVal

  6. implicit final class CSource4[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends AnyVal

  7. implicit final class CSource5[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends AnyVal

  8. trait ConnectionSource[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends AnyRef

    Something FROM which a connection can be made

  9. trait ConnectionTarget[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends AnyRef

    Something TO which a connection can be made, a connection target.

  10. trait ExecutionException extends RuntimeException

    Workflow execution exception.

  11. trait FlowRuntime extends AnyRef

    Flow execution runtime.

  12. implicit final class Having[A] extends AnyVal

    Helper class providing a simple syntax to add side effects to the returned value:

  13. trait JsonExport extends AnyRef

    Converts an entity into JSON.

  14. trait JsonStepFactory[S <: Step[T, R], T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends AnyRef

    Restores a flow step from JSON.

  15. abstract class Merger[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends AbstractStep with MultiInputStep[T, R] with SingleOutputStep[T, R]

  16. abstract class Module[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends AbstractStep with MultiInputStep[T, R] with MultiOutputStep[T, R]

  17. trait MultiInputStep[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends AbstractStep with Step[T, R]

  18. trait MultiOutputStep[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends AbstractStep with Step[T, R]

  19. trait NoInputStep[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends AbstractStep with Step[T, R]

  20. abstract class Producer[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends AbstractStep with SingleOutputStep[T, R] with NoInputStep[T, R]

  21. trait SingleInputStep[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends AbstractStep with Step[T, R] with ConnectionTarget[T, R]

  22. trait SingleOutputStep[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends AbstractStep with Step[T, R] with ConnectionSource[T, R]

  23. abstract class Splitter[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends AbstractStep with SingleInputStep[T, R] with MultiOutputStep[T, R]

  24. trait Step[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends AbstractStep with XmlExport with JsonExport

    A workflow step.

  25. case class StepConnectedFrom[T, R <: FlowRuntime](step: Step[T, R], inPort: ConnectionTarget[T, R], oldInbound: Option[ConnectionSource[T, R]], newInbound: ConnectionSource[T, R]) extends StepEvent[T, R] with Product with Serializable

  26. case class StepConnectedTo[T, R <: FlowRuntime](step: Step[T, R], outPort: ConnectionSource[T, R], oldOutbound: Option[ConnectionTarget[T, R]], newOutbound: ConnectionTarget[T, R]) extends StepEvent[T, R] with Product with Serializable

  27. sealed trait StepEvent[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends AnyRef

    Base trait for all step events.

  28. trait StepListener[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends AnyRef

    Listener which will be notified on step events.

  29. trait SubFlow[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends AbstractStep with Step[T, R]

    Base subflow trait.

  30. trait SubFlowFactory[S <: Step[T, R], T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends AnyRef

    Creates subflows from Xml and Json.

  31. abstract class SubMerger[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends Merger[T, R] with SubFlow[T, R]

    A subflow which represents a Merger-type step.

  32. abstract class SubModule[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends Module[T, R] with SubFlow[T, R]

    A subflow which represents a generic multi-input, multi-output step.

  33. abstract class SubProducer[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends Producer[T, R] with SubFlow[T, R]

    A subflow which represents a Producer-type step.

  34. abstract class SubSplitter[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends Splitter[T, R] with SubFlow[T, R]

    A subflow which represents a Splitter-type step.

  35. abstract class SubTransformer[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends Transformer[T, R] with SubFlow[T, R]

    A subflow which represents a Transformer-type step.

  36. abstract class Transformer[T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends AbstractStep with SingleOutputStep[T, R] with SingleInputStep[T, R]

  37. trait XmlExport extends AnyRef

    Converts an entity into XML.

  38. trait XmlStepFactory[S <: Step[T, R], T, R <: FlowRuntime] extends AnyRef

    Restores a flow step from XML.

Value Members

  1. object BuildInfo extends Product with Serializable

    This object was generated by sbt-buildinfo.

  2. object ExecutionException extends Serializable

    Workflow execution exception companion object to create new instances.


  4. object SparkHelper

    Encapsulates functions for accessing Spark.

  5. object SubFlow extends Serializable

    SubFlow helper functions and objects.

  6. package frame

    Data types, implicits, aliases for DataFrame-based workflows.

  7. def getClassInstance[T](className: String): T

    Returns an instance of the specified class.

    Returns an instance of the specified class. Object class names have "$" character at the end.

  8. def ins[T, R <: FlowRuntime](step: Step[T, R]): Seq[ConnectionTarget[T, R]]

    Returns the inbounds ports of a step.

    Returns the inbounds ports of a step. Having this private convenience function rather than making Step more generic and less type safe.

  9. def instantiate[T](clazz: Class[T]): T

    If the argument is a class, create and returns a new instance of it; if it is an object, returns the object.

  10. def outs[T, R <: FlowRuntime](step: Step[T, R]): Seq[ConnectionSource[T, R]]

    Returns the outbound ports of a step.

    Returns the outbound ports of a step. Having this private convenience function rather than making Step more generic and less type safe.

  11. package samples

    Helper functions for Ignition samples.

  12. package script

    Scripting implicits and aliases.

  13. package stream

    Data types, implicits, aliases for DStream-based workflows.

  14. package types

    Data types, implicits, aliases for DataFrame-based workflows.

  15. package util

  16. implicit def value2tuple[U](x: U): (U)

    Converts a single value to a Product of size 1 for consistency in some API calls.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
