

package stream

Data types, implicits, aliases for DStream-based workflows.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. stream
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. type AfterStreamStepComputed = AfterStepComputed[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime]

  2. type BeforeStreamStepComputed = BeforeStepComputed[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime]

  3. type DataStream = DStream[Row]

  4. class DefaultSparkStreamingRuntime extends DefaultSparkRuntime with SparkStreamingRuntime

    The default implementation of SparkStreamingRuntime.

  5. case class Filter(condition: String) extends StreamSplitter with Product with Serializable

    Filters the stream based on a combination of boolean conditions against fields.

  6. case class Foreach(flow: Step[DataFrame, SparkRuntime]) extends StreamSplitter with Product with Serializable

    Invokes the embedded flow on each batch.

  7. case class Join(condition: Option[String], joinType: JoinType) extends StreamMerger with Product with Serializable

    Performs join of the two data streams.

  8. type JsonStreamStepFactory = JsonStepFactory[StreamStep, DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime]

  9. case class KafkaInput(brokers: Iterable[String], topics: Iterable[String], kafkaProperties: Map[String, String] = ..., field: String = "payload") extends StreamProducer with Product with Serializable

    Creates a text stream from Apache Kafka.

  10. type MapListState = Iterable[Map[String, Any]]

  11. type MapState = Map[String, Any]

  12. case class MvelMapListStateUpdate(schema: StructType, expr: String, keyFields: Iterable[String]) extends MvelStateUpdate[MapListState] with Product with Serializable

    Models state as a java Iterable[Map[String, Any]].

  13. case class MvelMapStateUpdate(schema: StructType, expr: String, keyFields: Iterable[String]) extends MvelStateUpdate[MapState] with Product with Serializable

    Models state as a java Map[String, Any].

  14. abstract class MvelStateUpdate[S <: AnyRef] extends StateUpdate[S]

    Starting point for MVEL-based implementations of the update state function.

  15. trait PairFunctions extends AnyRef

    Supplies helper functions for pair streams.

  16. case class QueueInput(schema: StructType, data: Seq[Seq[Row]] = immutable.this.Nil) extends StreamProducer with Product with Serializable

    Creates a stream from a static data set, passing one RDD at a time.

  17. case class SetVariables(vars: Map[String, Any]) extends StreamTransformer with Product with Serializable

    Sets or drops the ignition runtime variables.

  18. trait SparkStreamingRuntime extends SparkRuntime

    An extension of com.ignition.frame.SparkRuntime which adds a streaming context to the mix.

  19. abstract class StateUpdate[S] extends StreamTransformer with PairFunctions

    Applies Spark updateStateByKey function to produce a stream of states.

  20. case class StreamFlow(targets: Iterable[ConnectionSource[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime]]) extends SubModule[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime] with StreamStep with Product with Serializable

    Stream Flow represents a DStream workflow.

  21. sealed trait StreamFlowEvent extends AnyRef

    Base trait for all stream flow events.

  22. trait StreamFlowListener extends AnyRef

    Listener which will be notified on stream flow events.

  23. case class StreamFlowStarted(flow: StreamFlow) extends StreamFlowEvent with Product with Serializable

  24. case class StreamFlowTerminated(flow: StreamFlow) extends StreamFlowEvent with Product with Serializable

  25. abstract class StreamMerger extends Merger[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime] with StreamStep

  26. abstract class StreamModule extends Module[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime] with StreamStep

  27. abstract class StreamProducer extends Producer[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime] with StreamStep

  28. abstract class StreamSplitter extends Splitter[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime] with StreamStep

  29. trait StreamStep extends AbstractStep with Step[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime]

    Workflow step that emits DataStream as the output.

  30. case class StreamStepBatchProcessed(step: StreamStep, index: Int, time: DateTime, preview: Boolean, rows: RDD[Row]) extends Product with Serializable

    Encapsulates the details about the processed batch.

  31. trait StreamStepDataListener extends AnyRef

    Listener which will be notified on each processed stream batch.

  32. type StreamStepListener = StepListener[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime]

  33. trait StreamSubFlow extends AbstractStep with StreamStep

  34. case class StreamSubMerger(body: (Seq[ConnectionTarget[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime]], ConnectionSource[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime])) extends SubMerger[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime] with StreamSubFlow with Product with Serializable

  35. case class StreamSubModule(body: (Seq[ConnectionTarget[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime]], Seq[ConnectionSource[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime]])) extends SubModule[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime] with StreamSubFlow with Product with Serializable

  36. case class StreamSubProducer(body: ConnectionSource[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime]) extends SubProducer[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime] with StreamSubFlow with Product with Serializable

  37. case class StreamSubSplitter(body: (ConnectionTarget[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime], Seq[ConnectionSource[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime]])) extends SubSplitter[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime] with StreamSubFlow with Product with Serializable

  38. case class StreamSubTransformer(body: (ConnectionTarget[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime], ConnectionSource[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime])) extends SubTransformer[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime] with StreamSubFlow with Product with Serializable

  39. abstract class StreamTransformer extends Transformer[DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime] with StreamStep

  40. case class Window(windowDuration: Duration, slideDuration: Option[Duration] = scala.None) extends StreamTransformer with Product with Serializable

    Sliding time window.

  41. type XmlStreamStepFactory = XmlStepFactory[StreamStep, DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime]

Value Members

  1. object Filter extends Serializable

    Filter companion object.

  2. object Foreach extends Serializable

    Transform companion object.

  3. object Join extends Serializable

    Join companion object.

  4. object KafkaInput extends Serializable

    Kafka Input companion object.

  5. object Main

    The entry point for starting ignition stream flows.

  6. object MvelMapListStateUpdate extends Serializable

  7. object MvelMapStateUpdate extends Serializable

  8. object MvelStateUpdate extends Serializable

    MVEL update state companion object.

  9. object QueueInput extends Serializable

    Queue Input companion object.

  10. object SetVariables extends Serializable

    SetVariables companion object.

  11. object StreamFlow extends Serializable

    StreamFlow companion object.

  12. object StreamStepFactory extends XmlStreamStepFactory with JsonStreamStepFactory

    Creates StreamStep instances from Xml and Json.

  13. object StreamSubFlow extends SubFlowFactory[StreamStep, DataStream, SparkStreamingRuntime] with Serializable

    Provides SubFlow common methods.

  14. object Window extends Serializable

    Sliding window companion object.

  15. def asDF(func: (DataFrame) ⇒ DataFrame)(rdd: RDD[Row])(implicit ctx: SQLContext): RDD[Row]

    Converts this RDD into a DataFrame using the schema of the first row, then applies the DataFrame transformation function and returns the resulting RDD.

  16. def foreach(flow: Step[DataFrame, SparkRuntime]): Foreach

  17. def transformAsDF(func: (DataFrame) ⇒ DataFrame)(stream: DataStream)(implicit ctx: SQLContext): DStream[Row]

    Transforms this data stream using asDF function for each RDD.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
