Interface NodeFormatterContext

    • Method Detail

      • getMarkdown

        @NotNull MarkdownWriter getMarkdown()
        the HTML writer to use
      • render

        void render​(@NotNull
                    @NotNull com.vladsch.flexmark.util.ast.Node node)
        Render the specified node and its children using the configured renderers. This should be used to render child nodes; be careful not to pass the node that is being rendered, that would result in an endless loop.
        Specified by:
        render in interface LinkResolverContext
        node - the node to render
      • renderChildren

        void renderChildren​(@NotNull
                            @NotNull com.vladsch.flexmark.util.ast.Node parent)
        Render the children of the node, used by custom renderers
        Specified by:
        renderChildren in interface LinkResolverContext
        parent - node the children of which are to be rendered
      • getFormattingPhase

        @NotNull FormattingPhase getFormattingPhase()
        current rendering phase
      • delegateRender

        void delegateRender()
        pass node rendering to previously registered handler
      • getBlockQuoteLikePrefixPredicate

        @NotNull com.vladsch.flexmark.util.misc.CharPredicate getBlockQuoteLikePrefixPredicate()
        predicate for prefix chars which compact like block quote prefix char
      • getBlockQuoteLikePrefixChars

        @NotNull com.vladsch.flexmark.util.sequence.BasedSequence getBlockQuoteLikePrefixChars()
        char sequence of all prefix chars which compact like block quote prefix char
      • getTrackedOffsets

        @NotNull com.vladsch.flexmark.util.format.TrackedOffsetList getTrackedOffsets()
        tracked offset list
      • isRestoreTrackedSpaces

        boolean isRestoreTrackedSpaces()
      • getTrackedSequence

        @NotNull com.vladsch.flexmark.util.sequence.BasedSequence getTrackedSequence()
        NOTE: parser can only use a contiguous sequence, not segmented. Therefore, the AST offsets and base sequence from AST nodes has always an index into sequence equal to the offset. This sequence is set to not BasedSequence.NULL when the format sequence used for tracked offsets is not contiguous and TrackedOffset.offset is an offset from this sequence and need to be converted to index into this sequence to be used as an offset into AST sequence for offset conversion
        original sequence used for tracked offsets.
      • nodesOfType

        @NotNull Iterable<? extends com.vladsch.flexmark.util.ast.Node> nodesOfType​(@NotNull
                                                                                    @NotNull Class<?>[] classes)
        Get iterable of nodes of given types, in order of their appearance in the document tree, depth first traversal. Only node classes returned by NodeFormatter.getNodeClasses() of all loaded extensions will be available to formatters.

        CoreNodeFormatter registers RefNode if Formatter.REFERENCE_SORT is set to ElementPlacementSort.SORT_UNUSED_LAST so that

        classes - node classes to return
      • nodesOfType

        @NotNull Iterable<? extends com.vladsch.flexmark.util.ast.Node> nodesOfType​(@NotNull
                                                                                    @NotNull Collection<Class<?>> classes)
      • reversedNodesOfType

        @NotNull Iterable<? extends com.vladsch.flexmark.util.ast.Node> reversedNodesOfType​(@NotNull
                                                                                            @NotNull Class<?>[] classes)
        Get iterable of nodes of given types, in reverse order of their appearance in the document tree, depth first traversal. Only node classes returned by NodeFormatter.getNodeClasses() of all loaded extensions will be available to formatters.

        CoreNodeFormatter registers RefNode if Formatter.REFERENCE_SORT is set to ElementPlacementSort.SORT_UNUSED_LAST so that

        classes - node classes to return
      • reversedNodesOfType

        @NotNull Iterable<? extends com.vladsch.flexmark.util.ast.Node> reversedNodesOfType​(@NotNull
                                                                                            @NotNull Collection<Class<?>> classes)