
Type members


final class UiDispatchQueue(runUiWith: Runnable => Unit) extends DispatchQueue

This is a utility class to help you set up wire-signals to transport events between the default execution context (Threading.defaultContext) and other custom contexts, and a secondary execution context usually associated with GUI. On platforms such as Android or JavaFX, a Runnable task that involves changes to the app's GUI requires to be run in a special execution context - otherwise it will either not work, will result in errors, or may even crash the app. Your platform should provide you with a method which you can call with the given task to execute it properly. If that method is of the type Runnable => Unit (or if you can wrap it in a function of this type) you can pass it to UiDispatchQueue in the app's initialization code. Later, UiDispatchQueue will let you use extension methods .onUi on event streams and signals. They work exactly like .foreach but they will run the subscriber code in your GUI platform execution context.

This is a utility class to help you set up wire-signals to transport events between the default execution context (Threading.defaultContext) and other custom contexts, and a secondary execution context usually associated with GUI. On platforms such as Android or JavaFX, a Runnable task that involves changes to the app's GUI requires to be run in a special execution context - otherwise it will either not work, will result in errors, or may even crash the app. Your platform should provide you with a method which you can call with the given task to execute it properly. If that method is of the type Runnable => Unit (or if you can wrap it in a function of this type) you can pass it to UiDispatchQueue in the app's initialization code. Later, UiDispatchQueue will let you use extension methods .onUi on event streams and signals. They work exactly like .foreach but they will run the subscriber code in your GUI platform execution context.


Android initialization:

import android.os.{Handler, Looper}
import com.wire.signals.ui.UiDispatchQueue

val handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper)

JavaFX initialization:

import javafx.application.Platform
import com.wire.signals.ui.UiDispatchQueue


Usage in all cases:

import com.wire.signals.ui.UiDispatchQueue._

signal ! true
signal.onUi { value => ... }
Future { ... }(Ui)
Value Params

A function from the GUI platform you're working with that will execute a given task in the GUI context
