Class HostedSslConnectorFactory

    • Method Detail

      • withProvidedCertificate

        public static HostedSslConnectorFactory withProvidedCertificate​(String serverName,
                                                                        boolean enforceHandshakeClientAuth,
                                                                        Collection<String> tlsCiphersOverride,
                                                                        Duration maxConnectionLife)
        Create connector factory that uses a certificate provided by the config-model / configserver and default hosted Vespa truststore.
      • withProvidedCertificateAndTruststore

        public static HostedSslConnectorFactory withProvidedCertificateAndTruststore​(String serverName,
                                                                                     String tlsCaCertificates,
                                                                                     Collection<String> tlsCiphersOverride,
                                                                                     Duration maxConnectionLife)
        Create connector factory that uses a certificate provided by the config-model / configserver and a truststore configured by the application.
      • withDefaultCertificateAndTruststore

        public static HostedSslConnectorFactory withDefaultCertificateAndTruststore​(String serverName,
                                                                                    Collection<String> tlsCiphersOverride,
                                                                                    Duration maxConnectionLife)
        Create connector factory that uses the default certificate and truststore provided by Vespa (through Vespa-global TLS configuration).
      • getConfig

        public void getConfig​( connectorBuilder)
        Specified by:
        getConfig in interface
        getConfig in class ConnectorFactory