Class Schema

    • Constructor Detail

      • Schema

        public Schema​(String name)
        Testing only
      • Schema

        public Schema​(String name,
                      Application application,
      • Schema

        public Schema​(String name,
                      Optional<String> inherited,
                      Application application,
        Creates a schema
        name - of the schema
        inherited - the schema this inherits, if any
        application - the application containing this
      • Schema

        protected Schema​(Application application,
    • Method Detail

      • setName

        protected void setName​(String name)
      • isDocumentsOnly

        public boolean isDocumentsOnly()
        Returns true if this only defines a document type, not a full schema
      • isRawAsBase64

        public boolean isRawAsBase64()
        Returns true if 'raw' fields shall be presented as base64 in summary Note that this is temporary and will disappear on Vespa 8 as it will become default, and only option.
        true if raw shall be encoded as base64 in summary
      • enableRawAsBase64

        public void enableRawAsBase64()
      • setStemming

        public void setStemming​(Stemming stemming)
        Sets the stemming default of fields. Default is ALL
        stemming - set default stemming for this searchdefinition
        NullPointerException - if this is attempted set to null
      • getStemming

        public Stemming getStemming()
        Returns whether fields should be stemmed by default or not. Default is BEST. This is never null.
      • addDocument

        public void addDocument​(SDDocumentType document)
        Adds a document type which is defined in this search definition
        document - the document type to add
      • setImportedFields

        public void setImportedFields​(ImportedFields importedFields)
      • getDocument

        public SDDocumentType getDocument​(String name)
        Gets a document from this search definition
        name - the name of the document to return
        the contained or used document type, or null if there is no such document
      • hasDocument

        public boolean hasDocument()
        true if the document has been added.
      • allConcreteFields

        public List<SDField> allConcreteFields()
        Returns a list of all the fields of this search definition, that is all fields in all documents, in the documents they inherit, and all extra fields. The caller receives ownership to the list - subsequent changes to it will not impact this
        Specified by:
        allConcreteFields in interface ImmutableSchema
      • applicationPackage

        public applicationPackage()
        Specified by:
        applicationPackage in interface ImmutableSchema
      • getDeployLogger

        public getDeployLogger()
        Specified by:
        getDeployLogger in interface ImmutableSchema
      • getConcreteField

        public SDField getConcreteField​(String name)
        Returns a field defined in this search definition or one if its documents. Fields in this search definition takes precedence over document fields having the same name
        Specified by:
        getConcreteField in interface ImmutableSchema
        name - of the field
        the SDField representing the field
      • getDocumentField

        public SDField getDocumentField​(String name)
        Returns a field defined in one of the documents of this search definition. This does not include the extra fields defined outside of a document (those accessible through the getExtraField() method).
        name - The name of the field to return.
        The named field, or null if not found.
      • addExtraField

        public void addExtraField​(SDField field)
        Adds an extra field of this search definition not contained in a document
        field - to add to the schemas list of external fields
      • getExtraField

        public SDField getExtraField​(String fieldName)
        Returns a field by name, or null if it is not present
        fieldName - the name of the external field to get
        the SDField of this name
      • addIndex

        public void addIndex​(Index index)
        Adds an explicitly defined index to this search definition
        index - the index to add
      • getIndex

        public Index getIndex​(String name)
        Returns an index, or null if no index with this name has had some explicit settings applied. Even if this returns null, the index may be implicitly defined by an indexing statement. This will return the index whether it is defined on this schema or on one of its fields.
        Specified by:
        getIndex in interface ImmutableSchema
        name - the name of the index to get
        the index requested
      • existsIndex

        public boolean existsIndex​(String name)
      • getExplicitIndices

        public List<Index> getExplicitIndices()
        All explicitly defined indices, both on this schema itself (returned first) and all its fields
        Specified by:
        getExplicitIndices in interface ImmutableSchema
      • addSummary

        public void addSummary​(DocumentSummary summary)
        Adds an explicitly defined summary to this search definition
      • getSummary

        public DocumentSummary getSummary​(String name)
        Returns a summary class defined by this search definition, or null if no summary with this name is defined. The default summary, named "default" is always present.
      • getSummaryField

        public SummaryField getSummaryField​(String name)
        Returns the first explicit instance found of a summary field with this name, or null if not present (implicitly or explicitly) in any summary class.
      • getExplicitSummaryField

        public SummaryField getExplicitSummaryField​(String name)
        Returns the first explicit instance found of a summary field with this name, or null if not present explicitly in any summary class
        name - the name of the explicit summary field to get.
        the SummaryField found.
      • getSummaries

        public Map<String,​DocumentSummary> getSummaries()
        Summaries defined by fields of this search definition. The default summary, named "default", is always the first one in the returned iterator.
      • getSummariesInThis

        public Map<String,​DocumentSummary> getSummariesInThis()
        Returns the summaries defines in this only, not any that are inherited.
      • getSummaryFields

        public Map<String,​SummaryField> getSummaryFields​(ImmutableSDField field)
        Returns all summary fields, of all document summaries, which has the given field as source. If there are multiple summary fields with the same name, the last one will be used (they should all have the same content, if this is a valid search definition).The map becomes owned by the receiver.
        Specified by:
        getSummaryFields in interface ImmutableSchema
        field - the source field
        the map of summary fields found
      • getUniqueNamedSummaryFields

        public Map<String,​SummaryField> getUniqueNamedSummaryFields()
        Returns one summary field for each summary field name. If there are multiple summary fields with the same name, the last one will be used. Multiple fields of the same name should all have the same content in a valid search definition, except from the destination set. So this method can be used for all summary handling except processing the destination set. The map becomes owned by the receiver.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getAttribute

        public Attribute getAttribute​(String name)
        Returns the first occurrence of an attribute having this name, or null if none
        name - Name of attribute
        The Attribute with given name.
      • isAccessingDiskSummary

        public boolean isAccessingDiskSummary​(SummaryField field)
      • addType

        public Schema addType​(SDDocumentType dt)
        For adding structs defined in document scope
        dt - the struct to add
        self, for chaining
      • validate

        public void validate​( logger)
      • isReservedName

        public static boolean isReservedName​(String name)
        Returns true if the given field name is a reserved name