Class OnnxModelInfo

  • public class OnnxModelInfo
    extends Object
    Model information (input and output types) for an ONNX model. This encapsulates the difference between reading ONNX model information - from a file application package, where we can read the ONNX model directly - from a ZK application package, where the file is unavailable and models are read from generated files stored in file distribution or ZooKeeper.
    • Method Detail

      • getModelPath

        public String getModelPath()
      • getOutputs

        public Set<String> getOutputs()
      • getDefaultOutput

        public String getDefaultOutput()
      • getTensorType

        public getTensorType​(String onnxName,
                                                         Map<String,​> inputTypes)
        Return the tensor type for an ONNX model for the given context. An ONNX model can have dynamic/symbolic dimension sizes. If so, the output type depends on the input types for the given context (rank profile).
      • load

        public static OnnxModelInfo load​(String path,
      • modelExists

        public static boolean modelExists​(String path,
      • asValidIdentifier

        public static String asValidIdentifier​(String str)