Interface ZoneFilter

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface ZoneFilter
A ZoneId list which can be filtered in various ways; elements can be accessed after at least one filter. The methods here return instances of ZoneList, which extends ZoneFilter, but with accessors and additional filters. This forces the developer to consider which of the filters in this class to apply, prior to accessing any zones. Note: Do not add further filters, as this is only meant for the levels of configuration of the zone, not other properties.
  • Method Details

    • not

      ZoneFilter not()
      Negates the next filter.
    • all

      ZoneList all()
      All zones defined in code, including those not yet set up.
    • reachable

      ZoneList reachable()
      Zones where config servers are up and running.
    • controllerUpgraded

      ZoneList controllerUpgraded()
      Zones which are upgraded by the controller.
    • publiclyVisible

      ZoneList publiclyVisible()
      Zones for use by tenants.