Class Renderer<RESPONSE extends Response>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:,, Cloneable, Comparable<>
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class Renderer<RESPONSE extends Response>
    implements Cloneable
    Renders a response to a stream. The renderers are cloned just before rendering, and must therefore obey the following contract:
    1. At construction time, only final members shall be initialized, and these must refer to immutable data only.
    2. State mutated during rendering shall be initialized in the init method.
    Tony Vaagenes, Steinar Knutsen
    • Constructor Detail

      • Renderer

        public Renderer()
    • Method Detail

      • clone

        public Renderer<RESPONSE> clone()
        Used to create a separate instance for each result to render.
        clone in class
      • init

        public void init()
        Initializes the mutable state, see the contract in the class documentation. Called on the clone just before rendering.
      • renderResponse

        public CompletableFuture<Boolean> renderResponse​(OutputStream stream,
                                                         RESPONSE response,
                                                         Execution execution,
                                                         Request request)
        Render a response to a stream. The stream also exposes a ByteBuffer API for efficient transactions to JDisc. The returned future will throw the exception causing failure wrapped in an ExecutionException if rendering was not successful.
        stream - a stream API bridge to JDisc
        response - the response to render
        execution - the execution which created this response
        request - the request matching the response
        a CompletableFuture containing a boolean where true indicates a successful rendering
      • getEncoding

        public abstract String getEncoding()
        Name of the output encoding, if applicable.
        the encoding of the output if applicable, e.g. "utf-8"
      • getMimeType

        public abstract String getMimeType()
        The MIME type of the rendered content sent to the client.
        The mime type of the data written to the writer, e.g. "text/plain"