Class DefaultIncomingData<DATATYPE extends Data>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DefaultIncomingData<DATATYPE extends Data>
    extends Object
    implements IncomingData<DATATYPE>
    The default incoming data implementation
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultIncomingData

        public DefaultIncomingData()
        Creates an instance which must be assigned an owner after creation
    • Method Detail

      • assignOwner

        public final void assignOwner​(DataList<DATATYPE> owner)
        Assigns the owner of this. Throws an exception if the owner is already set.
      • getOwner

        public DataList<DATATYPE> getOwner()
        Description copied from interface: IncomingData
        Returns the owner (target DataList) of this. Note that accessing the owner from the thread producing incoming data is generally *not* thread safe.
        Specified by:
        getOwner in interface IncomingData<DATATYPE extends Data>
      • completedFuture

        public CompletableFuture<DataList<DATATYPE>> completedFuture()
        Description copied from interface: IncomingData
        Returns a future in which all the incoming data that will be produced in this is available. Listeners on this are invoked on the thread producing the incoming data (or a thread spawned from it), which in general is separate from the thread using the data list. Hence, listeners on this even cannot in general assume that they may modify the data list or the request.

        The data is not drained into the owner of this by this method. That must be done by the thread using the data list.

        This return the list owning this for convenience.

        Specified by:
        completedFuture in interface IncomingData<DATATYPE extends Data>
      • drain

        public List<DATATYPE> drain()
        Gets and removes all the data currently available in this. The returned list is a modifiable fresh instance owned by the caller.
        Specified by:
        drain in interface IncomingData<DATATYPE extends Data>
      • addNewDataListener

        public void addNewDataListener​(Runnable listener,
                                       Executor executor)
        Description copied from interface: IncomingData
        Add a listener which will be invoked every time new data is added to this. This listener may be invoked at any time in any thread, any thread synchronization is left to the listener itself
        Specified by:
        addNewDataListener in interface IncomingData<DATATYPE extends Data>