Class DiscFilterResponse

    • Constructor Detail

      • DiscFilterResponse

        public DiscFilterResponse​(HttpResponse parent)
    • Method Detail

      • getAttribute

        public Object getAttribute​(String name)
      • setAttribute

        public void setAttribute​(String name,
                                 Object value)
      • removeAttribute

        public void removeAttribute​(String name)
      • getUntreatedHeaders

        public getUntreatedHeaders()
        Returns the untreatedHeaders from the parent request
      • getUntreatedCookies

        public List<Cookie> getUntreatedCookies()
        Returns the untreatedCookies from the parent request
      • setHeader

        public void setHeader​(String name,
                              String value)
        Sets a header with the given name and value.

        If the header had already been set, the new value overwrites the previous one.

      • removeHeaders

        public void removeHeaders​(String name)
      • setHeaders

        public void setHeaders​(String name,
                               String value)
        Sets a header with the given name and value.

        If the header had already been set, the new value overwrites the previous one.

      • setHeaders

        public void setHeaders​(String name,
                               List<String> values)
        Sets a header with the given name and value.

        If the header had already been set, the new value overwrites the previous one.

      • addHeader

        public void addHeader​(String name,
                              String value)
        Adds a header with the given name and value
        See Also:
        HeaderFields.add(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
      • setCookies

        public void setCookies​(List<Cookie> cookies)
      • getStatus

        public int getStatus()
      • setStatus

        public void setStatus​(int status)
      • sendError

        public void sendError​(int errorCode)
                       throws IOException
        This method does not actually send the response as it does not have access to responseHandler but just sets the status. The methodName is misleading for historical reasons.
      • setCookie

        public void setCookie​(String name,
                              String value)