Class AbstractDataList<DATATYPE extends Data>

All Implemented Interfaces:,, Data, DataList<DATATYPE>, Ordered, Streamed
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractDataList<DATATYPE extends Data> extends implements DataList<DATATYPE>, Streamed, Ordered
A convenience superclass for dataList implementations which handles references to the request and to incoming data.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static final class 
  • Constructor Summary

    Creates a simple data list which does not allow late incoming data
    AbstractDataList(Request request, IncomingData<DATATYPE> incomingData)
    Creates a simple data list which receives incoming data in the given instance
    AbstractDataList(Request request, IncomingData<DATATYPE> incomingData, boolean ordered, boolean streamed)
    Creates a simple data list which receives incoming data in the given instance
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    Returns a future in which all incoming data in this has become available.
    Returns the holder of incoming data to this.
    Returns false if the data in this list can be returned in any order.
    Returns false if the data in this list can not be returned until it is completed.
    Returns the request which created this data

    Methods inherited from class

    addFreezeListener, clone, freeze

    Methods inherited from class

    ensureNotFrozen, isFrozen

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface

    add, addDataListener, asList, close, get

    Methods inherited from interface

    freeze, isFrozen

    Methods inherited from interface

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractDataList

      protected AbstractDataList(Request request)
      Creates a simple data list which does not allow late incoming data
      request - the request which created this data list
    • AbstractDataList

      protected AbstractDataList(Request request, IncomingData<DATATYPE> incomingData)
      Creates a simple data list which receives incoming data in the given instance
      request - the request which created this data list, never null
      incomingData - the recipient of incoming data to this list, never null
    • AbstractDataList

      protected AbstractDataList(Request request, IncomingData<DATATYPE> incomingData, boolean ordered, boolean streamed)
      Creates a simple data list which receives incoming data in the given instance
      request - the request which created this data list, never null
      incomingData - the recipient of incoming data to this list, never null
  • Method Details

    • request

      public Request request()
      Returns the request which created this data
      Specified by:
      request in interface Data
    • incoming

      public IncomingData<DATATYPE> incoming()
      Returns the holder of incoming data to this. This may be used to add, consume, wait for and be notified about incoming data. If this instance does not support late incoming data, the read methods of the return object behaves as expected and is synchronization free. The write methods throws an exception.
      Specified by:
      incoming in interface DataList<DATATYPE extends Data>
    • complete

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true, since="7") public<DataList<DATATYPE>> complete()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Specified by:
      complete in interface DataList<DATATYPE extends Data>
    • completeFuture

      public CompletableFuture<DataList<DATATYPE>> completeFuture()
      Description copied from interface: DataList
      Returns a future in which all incoming data in this has become available. This has two uses:
      • Calling DataList.get(int) on this future will block (if necessary) until all incoming data has arrived, transfer that data from the incoming buffer into this list and invoke any listeners on this event on the calling thread.
      • Adding a listener on this future will cause it to be called when completion().get() is called, after the incoming data has been moved to this thread and before the get() call returns.

      Note that if no thread calls completed().get(), this future will never occur.

      Any data list consumer who wishes to make sure it sees the complete data for this list must call dataList.complete().get() before consuming this list. If a guaranteed non-blocking call to this method is desired, register a listener on the future where all data is available for draining (that is, on dataList.incoming().completed()) and resume by calling this method from the listener.

      Making this call on a list which does not support future data always returns immediately and causes no memory synchronization cost.

      Specified by:
      completeFuture in interface DataList<DATATYPE extends Data>
    • isOrdered

      public boolean isOrdered()
      Description copied from interface: Ordered
      Returns false if the data in this list can be returned in any order. Default: true, meaning the order matters
      Specified by:
      isOrdered in interface Ordered
    • isStreamed

      public boolean isStreamed()
      Description copied from interface: Streamed
      Returns false if the data in this list can not be returned until it is completed. Default: true, meaning eager streaming of the data is permissible.
      Specified by:
      isStreamed in interface Streamed
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object