Class CompiledQueryProfileRegistry

  • public class CompiledQueryProfileRegistry
    A set of compiled query profiles.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CompiledQueryProfileRegistry

        public CompiledQueryProfileRegistry()
        Creates a compiled query profile registry with no types
    • Method Detail

      • register

        public final void register​(CompiledQueryProfile profile)
        Registers a type by its id
      • findQueryProfile

        public CompiledQueryProfile findQueryProfile​(String idString)

        Returns a query profile for the given request string, or null if a suitable one is not found.

        The request string must be a valid ComponentId or null.
        If the string is null, the profile named "default" is returned, or null if that does not exists.

        The version part (if any) is matched used the usual component version patching rules. If the name part matches a query profile name perfectly, that profile is returned. If not, and the name is a slash-separated path, the profile with the longest matching left sub-path which has a type which allows path matching is used. If there is no such profile, null is returned.