Class Processing

  • public class Processing
    extends Object
    A document processing. This contains the document(s) or document update(s) to process, a map of processing context data and the processing instance to invoke the next time any work needs to be done on this processing.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Processing

        public Processing()
        Create a Processing with no documents. Useful with DocprocService.process(Processing). Note that the callstack is initially empty when using this constructor (but it is set by DocprocService.process(Processing).)
      • Processing

        public Processing​(String service,
                          CallStack callStack)
        Create a processing with one document. The given document put or document update will be the single element in documentOperations.
        service - the unique name of the service processing this
        documentOperation - document operation (DocumentPut or DocumentUpdate)
        callStack - the document processors to call in this processing. This tranfers ownership of this structure to this class. The caller must not modify it
    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static Processing of​( documentOperation)
        Create a Processing from the given document operation
      • createProcessingFromDocumentOperations

        public static Processing createProcessingFromDocumentOperations​(String service,
                                                                        List<> documentsAndUpdates,
                                                                        CallStack callStack)
        Creates a Processing from a list of operations.
        service - the unique name of the service processing this
        documentsAndUpdates - the document operation list. This transfers ownership of this list to this class. The caller must not modify it
        callStack - the document processors to call in this processing. This transfers ownership of this structure to this class. The caller must not modify it
      • getDocprocServiceRegistry

        public<DocprocService> getDocprocServiceRegistry()
      • setDocprocServiceRegistry

        public void setDocprocServiceRegistry​(<DocprocService> docprocServiceRegistry)
      • getServiceName

        public String getServiceName()
        Returns the name of the service processing this. This will never return null
      • setServiceName

        public void setServiceName​(String service)
        Sets the name of the service processing this.
      • getService

        public DocprocService getService()
        Convenience method for looking up and returning the service processing this. This might return null if #getServiceName returns a name that is not registered in DocprocService.
        the service processing this, or null if unknown.
      • getVariable

        public Object getVariable​(String name)
        Returns a context variable, or null if it is not set
      • getVariableAndNameIterator

        public Iterator<Map.Entry<String,​Object>> getVariableAndNameIterator()
        Returns an iterator of all context variables that are set
        an iterator over objects of type Map.Entry
      • clearVariables

        public void clearVariables()
        Clears all context variables that have been set
      • setVariable

        public void setVariable​(String name,
                                Object value)
        Sets a context variable.
      • removeVariable

        public Object removeVariable​(String name)
      • hasVariable

        public boolean hasVariable​(String name)
        Returns true if this variable is present, even if it is null
      • addDocumentOperation

        public void addDocumentOperation​( documentOperation)
      • getDocumentOperations

        public List<> getDocumentOperations()
      • callStack

        public CallStack callStack()
        Returns the processors to call in this processing