Class SpanNode

    • Constructor Detail

      • SpanNode

        protected SpanNode()
    • Method Detail

      • isValid

        public boolean isValid()
        Returns whether this node is valid or not. When a child node from a SpanList, the child is marked as invalid, and the reference to it is removed from the parent SpanList. However, Annotations in the global list kept in SpanTree may still have references to the removed SpanNode. Removing these references is costly, and is only done when calling SpanTree.cleanup().
        true if this node is valid, false otherwise.
      • setScratchId

        public void setScratchId​(int id)
      • getScratchId

        public int getScratchId()
      • getParent

        public SpanNodeParent getParent()
        Returns the parent node of this SpanNode, if any.
        the parent node, or null if this is not yet added to a parent SpanList
      • getSpanTree

        public SpanTree getSpanTree()
        Returns the SpanTree that this node belongs to, if any.
        Specified by:
        getSpanTree in interface SpanNodeParent
        the SpanTree that this node belongs to, or null if it is not yet added to a SpanTree.
      • getStringFieldValue

        public StringFieldValue getStringFieldValue()
        Returns the StringFieldValue that this node belongs to, if any.
        Specified by:
        getStringFieldValue in interface SpanNodeParent
        the StringFieldValue that this node belongs to, if any, otherwise null.
      • isLeafNode

        public abstract boolean isLeafNode()
        Returns true if this node is a leaf node in the tree.
        true if this node is a leaf node in the tree.
      • childIterator

        public abstract ListIterator<SpanNode> childIterator()
        Traverses all immediate children of this SpanNode.
        a ListIterator which traverses all immediate children of this SpanNode
      • childIteratorRecursive

        public abstract ListIterator<SpanNode> childIteratorRecursive()
        Recursively traverses all possible children (not only leaf nodes) of this SpanNode, in a depth-first fashion.
        a ListIterator which recursively traverses all children and their children etc. of this SpanNode.
      • getFrom

        public abstract int getFrom()
        Returns the character index where this SpanNode starts (inclusive).
        the character index where this SpanNode starts (inclusive).
      • getTo

        public abstract int getTo()
        Returns the character index where this SpanNode ends (exclusive).
        the character index where this SpanNode ends (exclusive).
      • getLength

        public abstract int getLength()
        Returns the length of this span, i.e. getFrom() - getTo().
        the length of this span
      • getText

        public abstract CharSequence getText​(CharSequence text)
        Returns the text that is covered by this SpanNode.
        text - the input text
        the text that is covered by this SpanNode.
      • overlaps

        public boolean overlaps​(SpanNode o)
        Checks if the text covered by this span overlaps with the text covered by another span.
        o - the other SpanNode to check
        true if spans are overlapping, false otherwise
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(SpanNode o)
        Checks if the text covered by another span is within the text covered by this span.
        o - the other SpanNode to check.
        true if the text covered by another span is within the text covered by this span, false otherwise.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • compareTo

        public int compareTo​(SpanNode o)
        Compares two SpanNodes. Note: this class has a natural ordering that might be inconsistent with equals.

        First, getFrom() is compared, and -1 or 1 is return if our getFrom() is smaller or greater that o.getFrom(), respectively. If and only if getFrom() is equal, getTo() is compared, and -1 or 1 is return if our getTo() is smaller or greater that o.getTo(), respectively. In all other cases, the two SpanNodes are equal both for getFrom() and getTo(), and 0 is returned.

        Note that if a subclass has overridden equals(), which is very likely, but has not overridden compareTo(), then that subclass will have a natural ordering that is inconsistent with equals.

        Specified by:
        compareTo in interface Comparable<SpanNode>
        o - the SpanNode to compare to
        a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object