Class IdString

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class IdString
    extends Object
    To be used with DocumentId constructor.
    Einar M R Rosenvinge
    • Method Detail

      • hasDocType

        public boolean hasDocType()
      • getDocType

        public String getDocType()
      • hasGroup

        public boolean hasGroup()
      • hasNumber

        public boolean hasNumber()
      • getNumber

        public long getNumber()
      • getGroup

        public String getGroup()
      • createIdString

        public static IdString createIdString​(String id)
        Creates a IdString based on the given document id string. The document id string can only contain text characters.
      • createIdStringLessStrict

        public static IdString createIdStringLessStrict​(String id)
        Creates a IdString based on the given document id string. This is a less strict variant for creating 'illegal' document ids for documents already fed. Only use when strictly needed.
      • createFromSerialized

        public static IdString createFromSerialized​(String id)
        Creates a IdString based on the given serialized document id string. The document id string can not contain 0x0 byte characters.
      • getNamespace

        public String getNamespace()
      • getNamespaceSpecific

        public String getNamespaceSpecific()
      • getLocation

        public abstract long getLocation()
      • getSchemeParameters

        public String getSchemeParameters()
      • getSchemeSpecific

        public abstract String getSchemeSpecific()
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • toUtf8

        public toUtf8()