All Classes and Interfaces

An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
Token to use to acknowledge data for visiting.
An AND policy is a routing policy that can be used to write simple routes that split a message between multiple other destinations.
Parameters for creating an async session
A session for asynchronous access to a document repository.
This interface describes a character stream that maintains line and column number positions of the characters.
Routing policy to determine which distributor in a content cluster to send data to.
Helper class to get the bucket identifier of a message.
Class handling the logic of picking a distributor
Helper class to match a host pattern with node to use.
Tracks "instability" across nodes based on number of failures received versus some implementation-specific limit.
Class parsing the semicolon separated parameter string and exposes the appropriate value to the policy.
Class that tracks a failure of a given type per node.
Host fetcher using a slobrok mirror to find the hosts.
Common base class for replies that indicate that a document was routed to some recipient.
This is the starting point of the document api.
General exception thrown from various methods in the Vespa Document API.
Superclass of the classes which contains the parameters for creating or opening a document access.
The asynchronous response to a document remove operation.
Optional parameters for a document operation.
Visitor response containing a document operation.
Implements the message bus protocol that is used by all components of Vespa.
Defines the different priorities allowed for document api messages.
This class represents the root node of document-protocol-policies Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents document-protocol-policies.cluster{}
This class represents document-protocol-policies.cluster{}.route[]
This class implements a generic document protocol reply that can be reused by document messages that require no special reply implementation while still allowing applications to distinguish between types.
The asynchronous response to a document put or get operation.
This policy is responsible for selecting among the given recipient routes according to the configured document selection properties.
This class represents the root node of documentrouteselectorpolicy Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents documentrouteselectorpolicy.route[]
The asynchronous response to a document update operation.
Visitor that simply returns documents found in storage.
Implementation of VisitorDataHandler which invokes onDocument() for each received document and onRemove() for each document id that was returned as part of a remove entry.
Response containing list of empty buckets.
This policy assigns an error supplied at constructor time to the routing context when is invoked.
This policy implements the necessary logic to communicate with an external Vespa application and resolve its list of recipients using that other application's slobrok servers.
This message is a request to return the state of a given bucket.
This is a reply to a GetBucketStateMessage.
Routing policy to load balance between nodes in a randomly distributed cluster, such as a docproc cluster.
The main class of the local implementation of the document api.
This policy implements the logic to prefer local services that matches a slobrok pattern.
Local visitor session that copies and iterates through all items in the local document access.
An access session which wraps a messagebus source session sending document messages.
This class implements the DocumentAccess interface using message bus for communication.
This class defines a common interface for message bus sessions.
An implementation of the SyncSession interface running over message bus.
A visitor destination session for receiving data from a visitor using a messagebus destination session.
A visitor session for tracking progress for and potentially receiving data from a visitor using a MessageBus source and destination session.
Message bus implementations of interfaces
Abstract away notion of destination session into a generic Receiver interface to allow easy mocking.
Abstract away notion of source session into a generic Sender interface to allow easy mocking.
Superclass of the classes which contains the parameters for creating or opening a session.
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
Token to use to keep track of progress for visiting.
When a bucket has its state kept by the progress token, we need to discern between active buckets (i.e.
For consistent bucket key ordering, we need to ensure that reverse bucket IDs that have their MSB set actually are compared as being greater than those that don't.
Any bucket kept track of by a ProgressToken instance may be in one of two states: pending or active.
Message (VDS only) to remove an entire location for users using n= or g= schemes.
This response is provided for successful document remove operations.
An asynchronous response from the document api.
The synchronous result of submitting an asynchronous operation.
The types that a Result can have.
This policy implements round-robin selection of the configured recipients that are currently registered in slobrok.
Implements the shared factory logic required for DocumentMessage objects, and it offers a more convenient interface for implementing RoutableFactory.
Implements the shared factory logic required for DocumentReply objects, and it offers a more convenient interface for implementing RoutableFactory.
This interface defines the necessary methods of a routable factory that can be plugged into a DocumentProtocol using the DocumentProtocol.putRoutableFactory(int, RoutableFactory, method.
This interface defines the necessary methods of a routing policy factory that can be plugged into a DocumentProtocol using the DocumentProtocol.putRoutingPolicyFactory(String, RoutingPolicyFactory) method.
Simple, lightweight event scheduler that does not maintain any executor threads of its own, but rather makes it the responsibility of the caller to run the events as the queue hands them over.
Superclass of all document api sessions.
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
A simple document queue that queues up all results and automatically acks them.
Abstract class for policies that allow you to specify which slobrok to use for the routing.
Token literal values and constants.
Token Manager.
Parameters for creating or opening a visitor session
This class provides document subscription - accessing document changes to a document repository.
This policy implements the logic to select a subset of services that matches a slobrok pattern.
Parameters for creating a synchronous session
A session for synchronous access to a document repository, provides simple document access where throughput is not a concern.
This class represents messages having an optional "test and set" condition
Describes the input token stream.
Token Manager Error.
This response is provided for successful document update operations.
A class for controlling a visitor supplied through visitor parameters when creating the visitor session.
Possible completion codes for visiting.
Superclass for document visiting functionality - accessing documents in an order decided by the document repository.
A data handler is a class that handles responses from a visitor.
A visitor data handler that queues up documents in visitor responses and implements the getNext methods, thus implementing the polling API defined in VisitorDataHandler.
Parameters for creating or opening a visitor destination session.
A visitor destination session for receiving data from a visitor.
Enables transparent iteration of super/sub-buckets
Provides an abstract interface to VisitorIterator for how pending buckets are acquired, decoupling this from the iteration itself.
Provides a bucket source that encompasses the entire range available through a given value of distribution bits
Provides an explicit set of bucket IDs to iterate over.
Parameters for creating or opening a visitor session
Common class for all visitor responses.
A session for tracking progress for and potentially receiving data from a visitor.
This reply class is used by operations that perform writes to VDS/search, that is: Put, Remove, Update.