Class CharacterUtils

  • public abstract class CharacterUtils
    extends Object
    CharacterUtils provides a unified interface to Character-related operations to implement backwards compatible character operations.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CharacterUtils

        public CharacterUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • codePointAt

        public abstract int codePointAt​(CharSequence seq,
                                        int offset)
        Returns the code point at the given index of the CharSequence.
        seq - a character sequence
        offset - the offset to the char values in the chars array to be converted
        the Unicode code point at the given index
        NullPointerException - - if the sequence is null.
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - - if the value offset is negative or not less than the length of the character sequence.
      • codePointAt

        public abstract int codePointAt​(char[] chars,
                                        int offset,
                                        int limit)
        Returns the code point at the given index of the char array where only elements with index less than the limit are used.
        chars - a character array
        offset - the offset to the char values in the chars array to be converted
        limit - the index afer the last element that should be used to calculate codepoint.
        the Unicode code point at the given index
        NullPointerException - - if the array is null.
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - - if the value offset is negative or not less than the length of the char array.
      • codePointCount

        public abstract int codePointCount​(CharSequence seq)
        Return the number of characters in seq.
      • toLowerCase

        public final void toLowerCase​(char[] buffer,
                                      int offset,
                                      int limit)
        Converts each unicode codepoint to lowerCase via Character.toLowerCase(int) starting at the given offset.
        buffer - the char buffer to lowercase
        offset - the offset to start at
        limit - the max char in the buffer to lower case
      • toUpperCase

        public final void toUpperCase​(char[] buffer,
                                      int offset,
                                      int limit)
        Converts each unicode codepoint to UpperCase via Character.toUpperCase(int) starting at the given offset.
        buffer - the char buffer to UPPERCASE
        offset - the offset to start at
        limit - the max char in the buffer to lower case
      • toCodePoints

        public final int toCodePoints​(char[] src,
                                      int srcOff,
                                      int srcLen,
                                      int[] dest,
                                      int destOff)
        Converts a sequence of Java characters to a sequence of unicode code points.
        the number of code points written to the destination buffer
      • toChars

        public final int toChars​(int[] src,
                                 int srcOff,
                                 int srcLen,
                                 char[] dest,
                                 int destOff)
        Converts a sequence of unicode code points to a sequence of Java characters.
        the number of chars written to the destination buffer
      • fill

        public abstract boolean fill​(CharacterUtils.CharacterBuffer buffer,
                                     Reader reader,
                                     int numChars)
                              throws IOException
        Fills the CharacterUtils.CharacterBuffer with characters read from the given reader Reader. This method tries to read numChars characters into the CharacterUtils.CharacterBuffer, each call to fill will start filling the buffer from offset 0 up to numChars. In case code points can span across 2 java characters, this method may only fill numChars - 1 characters in order not to split in the middle of a surrogate pair, even if there are remaining characters in the Reader.

        This method guarantees that the given CharacterUtils.CharacterBuffer will never contain a high surrogate character as the last element in the buffer unless it is the last available character in the reader. In other words, high and low surrogate pairs will always be preserved across buffer boarders.

        A return value of false means that this method call exhausted the reader, but there may be some bytes which have been read, which can be verified by checking whether buffer.getLength() > 0.

        buffer - the buffer to fill.
        reader - the reader to read characters from.
        numChars - the number of chars to read
        false if and only if returned -1 while trying to fill the buffer
        IOException - if the reader throws an IOException.
      • offsetByCodePoints

        public abstract int offsetByCodePoints​(char[] buf,
                                               int start,
                                               int count,
                                               int index,
                                               int offset)
        Return the index within buf[start:start+count] which is by offset code points from index.