Class RoutingNodeIterator

    • Constructor Detail

      • RoutingNodeIterator

        public RoutingNodeIterator​(List<RoutingNode> children)
        Constructs a new iterator based on a given list.
        children - The list to iterate through.
    • Method Detail

      • next

        public RoutingNodeIterator next()
        Steps to the next child in the map.
        This, to allow chaining.
      • skip

        public RoutingNodeIterator skip​(int num)
        Skips the given number of children.
        num - The number of children to skip.
        This, to allow chaining.
      • isValid

        public boolean isValid()
        Returns whether or not this iterator is valid.
        True if we are still pointing to a valid entry.
      • getRoute

        public Route getRoute()
        Returns the route of the current child.
        The route.
      • hasReply

        public boolean hasReply()
        Returns whether or not a reply is set in the current child.
        True if a reply is available.
      • removeReply

        public Reply removeReply()
        Removes and returns the reply of the current child. This is the correct way of reusing a reply of a child node, the getReplyRef() should be used when just inspecting a child reply.
        The reply.
      • getReplyRef

        public Reply getReplyRef()
        Returns the reply of the current child. It is VERY important that the reply returned by this function is not reused anywhere. This is a reference to another node's reply, do NOT use it for anything but inspection. If you want to retrieve and reuse it, call removeReply() instead.
        The reply.