Class RankingExpression

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RankingExpression
    extends Object
    implements Serializable

    A ranking expression. Ranking expressions are used to calculate a rank score for a searched instance from a set of rank features.

    A ranking expression wraps a expression node tree and may also optionally have a name.

    The identity of a ranking expression is decided by both its name and expression tree. Two expressions which looks the same in string form are the same.

    Simple usage

    try {
        MapContext context = new MapContext();
        context.put("one", 1d);
        RankingExpression expression = new RankingExpression("10*if(i>35,if(i>one,if(i>=670,4,8),if(i>8000,5,3)),if(i==478,90,91))");
        double result = expression.evaluate(context);
    catch (ParseException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

    Or, usage optimized for repeated evaluation of the same expression

    // Members in a class living across multiple evaluations
    RankingExpression expression;
    ArrayContext contextPrototype;
    // Initialization of the above members (once)
    // Create reusable, gbdt optimized expression and context.
    // The expression is multithread-safe while the context created is not
    try {
        RankingExpression expression = new RankingExpression("10*if(i>35,if(i>one,if(i>=670,4,8),if(i>8000,5,3)),if(i==478,90,91))");
        ArrayContext contextPrototype = new ArrayContext(expression);
        ExpressionOptimizer optimizer = new ExpressionOptimizer(); // Increases evaluation speed of gbdt form expressions by 3-4x
        OptimizationReport triviaAboutTheOptimization = optimizer.optimize(expression, contextPrototype);
    catch (ParseException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    // Execution (many)
    context = contextPrototype.clone(); // If evaluation is multithreaded - skip this if execution is single-threaded
    double result = expression.evaluate(context);
    Simon Thoresen Hult, bratseth
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • RankingExpression

        public RankingExpression​(Reader reader)
                          throws ParseException
        Creates an anonymous ranking expression by consuming from the reader
      • RankingExpression

        public RankingExpression​(String name,
                                 Reader reader)
                          throws ParseException
        Creates a new ranking expression by consuming from the reader
        name - the name of the ranking expression
        reader - the reader that contains the string to parse.
        ParseException - if the string could not be parsed.
      • RankingExpression

        public RankingExpression​(String name,
                                 String expression)
                          throws ParseException
        Creates a new ranking expression by consuming from the reader
        name - the name of the ranking expression
        expression - the expression to parse.
        ParseException - if the string could not be parsed.
      • RankingExpression

        public RankingExpression​(String expression)
                          throws ParseException
        Creates a ranking expression from a string
        expression - The reader that contains the string to parse.
        ParseException - if the string could not be parsed.
      • RankingExpression

        public RankingExpression​(File file)
                          throws ParseException
        Creates a ranking expression from a file. For convenience, the file.getName() up to any dot becomes the name of this expression.
        file - the name of the file whose content to parse.
        ParseException - if the string could not be parsed.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the file could not be found
      • RankingExpression

        public RankingExpression​(String name,
                                 ExpressionNode root)
        Creates a named ranking expression from an expression root node.
      • RankingExpression

        public RankingExpression​(ExpressionNode root)
        Creates a ranking expression from an expression root node.
        root - The root node.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Returns the name of this ranking expression, or "" if no name is set.
        The name of this expression.
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        Sets the name of this ranking expression.
        name - The name to set.
      • getRoot

        public ExpressionNode getRoot()
        Returns the root of the expression tree of this expression.
        The root node.
      • setRoot

        public void setRoot​(ExpressionNode root)
        Sets the root of the expression tree of this expression.
        root - The root node to set.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getRankProperties

        public Map<String,​String> getRankProperties​(SerializationContext context)
        Creates the necessary rank properties required to implement this expression.
        context - context for serialization
        a list of named rank properties required to implement this expression
      • propertyName

        public static String propertyName​(String expressionName)
        Returns the rank-property name for a given expression name.
        expressionName - the expression name to mangle.
        the property name.
      • propertyExpressionName

        public static String propertyExpressionName​(String expressionName)
      • extractScriptName

        public static String extractScriptName​(String propertyName)
      • type

        public type​(<Reference> context)
        Validates the type correctness of the given expression with the given context and returns the type this expression will produce from the given type context
        IllegalArgumentException - if this expression is not type correct in this context
      • evaluate

        public Value evaluate​(Context context)
        Returns the value of evaluating this expression over the given context.
        context - The variable bindings to use for this evaluation.
        the evaluation result.
        IllegalArgumentException - if there are variables which are not bound in the given map