Class DoubleOnlyArrayContext

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ContextIndex,<Reference>,<Reference>, Cloneable

    public class DoubleOnlyArrayContext
    extends AbstractArrayContext
    A variant of an array context variant which supports faster binding of variables but slower lookup from non-gbdt-optimized ranking expressions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DoubleOnlyArrayContext

        public DoubleOnlyArrayContext​(RankingExpression expression)
        Create a fast lookup context for an expression. This instance should be reused indefinitely by a single thread. This will fail if unknown values are attempted added.
      • DoubleOnlyArrayContext

        public DoubleOnlyArrayContext​(RankingExpression expression,
                                      boolean ignoreUnknownValues)
      • DoubleOnlyArrayContext

        public DoubleOnlyArrayContext​(RankingExpression expression,
                                      boolean ignoreUnknownValues,
                                      Value missingValue)
        Create a fast lookup context for an expression. This instance should be reused indefinitely by a single thread.
        expression - the expression to create a context for
        ignoreUnknownValues - whether attempts to put values not present in this expression should fail (false - the default), or be ignored (true)
        missingValue - the value to return if not set.
    • Method Detail

      • put

        public final void put​(String name,
                              Value value)
        Puts a value by name. The value will be frozen if it isn't already.
        put in class Context
        name - the name of the variable to set.
        value - the value to set. Ownership of this value is transferred to this - if it is mutable (not frozen) it may be modified during execution
        IllegalArgumentException - if the name is not present in the ranking expression this was created with, and ignoredUnknownValues is false
      • put

        public final void put​(int index,
                              double value)
        Same as put(index,DoubleValue.frozen(value))
      • put

        public final void put​(int index,
                              Value value)
        Puts a value by index.
      • getType

        public getType​(Reference reference)
      • get

        public Value get​(String name)
        Perform a slow lookup by name
        Specified by:
        get in class Context
        name - the name of the variable whose value to return.
        the value of the named variable.
      • get

        public final Value get​(int index)
        Perform a faster lookup by index
        Specified by:
        get in interface ContextIndex
        get in class Context
        index - the index of the variable whose value to return.
        the value of the indexed variable.
      • clone

        public DoubleOnlyArrayContext clone()
        Creates a clone of this context suitable for evaluating against the same ranking expression in a different thread (i.e, name name to index map, different value set.
        clone in class AbstractArrayContext