Direct Known Subclasses:
DoubleCompatibleValue, StringValue, TensorValue

public abstract class Value extends Object
The result of a ranking expression evaluation. Concrete subclasses of this provides implementations of these methods or throws UnsupportedOperationException if the operation is not supported.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    abstract Value
    add(Value value)
    abstract Value
    and(Value value)
    abstract boolean
    Returns this value as a boolean.
    abstract double
    Returns this value as a double, or throws UnsupportedOperationException if it cannot be represented as a double
    Returns this value as a double value, or throws UnsupportedOperationException if it cannot be represented as a double
    abstract Value
    Returns this is mutable, or a mutable copy otherwise
    Returns this as a tensor value
    abstract Value
    compare(TruthOperator operator, Value value)
    Perform the comparison specified by the operator between this value and the given value
    abstract Value
    divide(Value value)
    doubleAsTensor(double value)
    A utility method for wrapping a double in a rank 0 tensor
    abstract boolean
    equals(Object other)
    Irreversibly makes this immutable.
    abstract Value
    function(Function function, Value value)
    Perform the given binary function on this value and the given value
    abstract boolean
    Returns true if this value can return itself as a double, i.e asDoubleValue will return a value and not throw
    abstract int
    Returns a hash which only depends on the content of this value.
    final boolean
    Returns true if this is immutable, false otherwise
    Returns true if this has a double value which is NaN
    abstract Value
    modulo(Value value)
    abstract Value
    multiply(Value value)
    abstract Value
    abstract Value
    static Value
    of(double scalar)
    static Value
    of( tensor)
    abstract Value
    or(Value value)
    static Value
    parse(String value)
    Parses the given string to a value and returns it.
    abstract Value
    power(Value value)
    abstract Value
    subtract(Value value)
    abstract String
    Returns the type of this value

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Value

      public Value()
  • Method Details

    • type

      public abstract type()
      Returns the type of this value
    • asDouble

      public abstract double asDouble()
      Returns this value as a double, or throws UnsupportedOperationException if it cannot be represented as a double
    • asDoubleValue

      public DoubleValue asDoubleValue()
      Returns this value as a double value, or throws UnsupportedOperationException if it cannot be represented as a double
    • isNaN

      public boolean isNaN()
      Returns true if this has a double value which is NaN
    • asTensor

      public abstract asTensor()
      Returns this as a tensor value
    • doubleAsTensor

      protected doubleAsTensor(double value)
      A utility method for wrapping a double in a rank 0 tensor
    • hasDouble

      public abstract boolean hasDouble()
      Returns true if this value can return itself as a double, i.e asDoubleValue will return a value and not throw
    • asBoolean

      public abstract boolean asBoolean()
      Returns this value as a boolean.
    • negate

      public abstract Value negate()
    • add

      public abstract Value add(Value value)
    • subtract

      public abstract Value subtract(Value value)
    • multiply

      public abstract Value multiply(Value value)
    • divide

      public abstract Value divide(Value value)
    • modulo

      public abstract Value modulo(Value value)
    • and

      public abstract Value and(Value value)
    • or

      public abstract Value or(Value value)
    • not

      public abstract Value not()
    • power

      public abstract Value power(Value value)
    • compare

      public abstract Value compare(TruthOperator operator, Value value)
      Perform the comparison specified by the operator between this value and the given value
    • function

      public abstract Value function(Function function, Value value)
      Perform the given binary function on this value and the given value
    • freeze

      public Value freeze()
      Irreversibly makes this immutable. Overriders must always call super.freeze() and return this
      this for convenience
    • isFrozen

      public final boolean isFrozen()
      Returns true if this is immutable, false otherwise
    • asMutable

      public abstract Value asMutable()
      Returns this is mutable, or a mutable copy otherwise
    • toString

      public abstract String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • equals

      public abstract boolean equals(Object other)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public abstract int hashCode()
      Returns a hash which only depends on the content of this value.
      hashCode in class Object
    • parse

      public static Value parse(String value)
      Parses the given string to a value and returns it. Different subtypes of Value will be returned depending on the string.
      a mutable Value
      IllegalArgumentException - if the given string is not parseable as a value
    • of

      public static Value of( tensor)
    • of

      public static Value of(double scalar)