Class Receiver<T>

  • public class Receiver<T>
    extends Object
    A class for sending single messages between threads with timeout. Typical use would be
     Receiver<SomeMessage> receiver = new Receiver<SomeMessage>();
     SomeRunnable runnable = new SomeRunnable(receiver);
     Thread worker = new Thread(runnable);
     Pair<Receiver.MessageState, SomeMessage> answer = receiver.get(500L);
    ... and in the worker thread simply
     receiver.put(new SomeMessage(...))

    Any number of threads may wait for the same message. Sending null references is supported. The object is intended for delivering only single message, there is no support for recycling it.

    Steinar Knutsen
    • Constructor Detail

      • Receiver

        public Receiver()
    • Method Detail

      • put

        public void put​(T message)
        Make a message available for consumers.
        message - the message to send
        IllegalStateException - if a message has already been received here
      • get

        public Tuple2<Receiver.MessageState,​T> get​(long timeout)
                                                  throws InterruptedException
        Wait for up to "timeout" milliseconds for an incoming message. This hides spurious wakeup, but InterruptedException will be propagated.
        timeout - maximum time to wait for message in milliseconds
        a Pair instance containing the reason for returning and the message possible received
        InterruptedException - if the waiting thread is interrupted