Class AbstractFilteringList<Type,​ListType extends AbstractFilteringList<Type,​ListType>>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class AbstractFilteringList<Type,​ListType extends AbstractFilteringList<Type,​ListType>>
    extends Object
    implements Iterable<Type>
    Abstract, immutable list for subclassing with concrete types and domain specific filters.
    • Method Detail

      • not

        public final ListType not()
        Negates the next filter operation. All other operations which return a new list reset this modifier.
      • matching

        public final ListType matching​(Predicate<Type> condition)
        Returns a new list which is the result of filtering with the -- possibly negated -- condition.
      • first

        public ListType first​(int n)
        Returns the first n items in this list, or everything except those if negated.
      • first

        public Optional<Type> first()
        Returns the first item in this list, or empty if there are none.
      • in

        public ListType in​(ListType others)
        Returns the subset of items in this which are (not) present in the other list.
      • and

        public ListType and​(ListType others)
        Returns the union of the two lists.
      • asList

        public final List<Type> asList()
        Returns the items in this as an immutable list.
      • asSet

        public final Set<Type> asSet()
        Returns the items in this as a set.
      • mapToList

        public final <OtherType> List<OtherType> mapToList​(Function<Type,​OtherType> mapper)
        Returns the items in this as an immutable list after mapping with the given function.
      • sortedBy

        public final ListType sortedBy​(Comparator<? super Type> comparator)
        Returns the items sorted by the given comparator.
      • groupingBy

        public final <OtherType> Map<OtherType,​ListType> groupingBy​(Function<Type,​OtherType> classifier)
        Returns the items grouped by the given classifier.
      • isEmpty

        public final boolean isEmpty()
      • size

        public final int size()
      • shuffle

        public final ListType shuffle​(Random random)
        Returns the items in this shuffled using random as source of randomness