Interface Inspector

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface Inspector
    Interface for read-only access to any value or object that is part of a Slime. You can access meta-data such as validity and actual type. You can always convert to any basic type by calling the various "as" accessor methods; these return a default value if the current Inspector is invalid or the type doesn't match your accessor type. If you want to do something exceptional instead when the types don't match, you must check using type() first.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void accept​(Visitor v)
      Use the visitor pattern to resolve the underlying type of this value.
      boolean asBool()
      the current value (for booleans); default: false
      byte[] asData()
      the current value (for data values); default: empty array
      double asDouble()
      the current value (for floating-point values); default: 0.0
      long asLong()
      the current value (for integers); default: 0
      String asString()
      the current value (for string values); default: empty string
      byte[] asUtf8()
      the current value encoded into UTF-8 (for string values); default: empty array
      int children()
      Check how many entries or fields are contained in the current value.
      int entries()
      Check how many entries are contained in the current value.
      Inspector entry​(int idx)
      Access an array entry.
      boolean equalTo​(Inspector that)
      Tests whether this is equal to Inspector.
      Inspector field​(int sym)
      Access an field in an object by symbol id.
      Inspector field​(String name)
      Access an field in an object by symbol name.
      int fields()
      Check how many fields are contained in the current value.
      void traverse​(ArrayTraverser at)
      Traverse an array value, performing callbacks for each entry.
      void traverse​(ObjectSymbolTraverser ot)
      Traverse an object value, performing callbacks for each field.
      void traverse​(ObjectTraverser ot)
      Traverse an object value, performing callbacks for each field.
      Type type()
      return an enum describing value type
      boolean valid()
      check if this inspector is valid
    • Method Detail

      • valid

        boolean valid()
        check if this inspector is valid
      • type

        Type type()
        return an enum describing value type
      • children

        int children()
        Check how many entries or fields are contained in the current value. Useful for arrays and objects; anything else always returns 0.
        number of entries/fields contained.
      • entries

        int entries()
        Check how many entries are contained in the current value. Useful for arrays; anything else always returns 0.
        number of entries contained.
      • fields

        int fields()
        Check how many fields are contained in the current value. Useful for objects; anything else always returns 0.
        number of fields contained.
      • asBool

        boolean asBool()
        the current value (for booleans); default: false
      • asLong

        long asLong()
        the current value (for integers); default: 0
      • asDouble

        double asDouble()
        the current value (for floating-point values); default: 0.0
      • asString

        String asString()
        the current value (for string values); default: empty string
      • asUtf8

        byte[] asUtf8()
        the current value encoded into UTF-8 (for string values); default: empty array
      • asData

        byte[] asData()
        the current value (for data values); default: empty array
      • accept

        void accept​(Visitor v)
        Use the visitor pattern to resolve the underlying type of this value.
        v - the visitor
      • traverse

        void traverse​(ArrayTraverser at)
        Traverse an array value, performing callbacks for each entry. If the current Inspector is connected to an array value, perform callbacks to the given traverser for each entry contained in the array.
        at - traverser callback object.
      • traverse

        void traverse​(ObjectSymbolTraverser ot)
        Traverse an object value, performing callbacks for each field. If the current Inspector is connected to an object value, perform callbacks to the given traverser for each field contained in the object.
        ot - traverser callback object.
      • traverse

        void traverse​(ObjectTraverser ot)
        Traverse an object value, performing callbacks for each field. If the current Inspector is connected to an object value, perform callbacks to the given traverser for each field contained in the object.
        ot - traverser callback object.
      • entry

        Inspector entry​(int idx)
        Access an array entry. If the current Inspector doesn't connect to an array value, or the given array index is out of bounds, the returned Inspector will be invalid.
        idx - array index.
        a new Inspector for the entry value.
      • field

        Inspector field​(int sym)
        Access an field in an object by symbol id. If the current Inspector doesn't connect to an object value, or the object value does not contain a field with the given symbol id, the returned Inspector will be invalid.
        sym - symbol id.
        a new Inspector for the field value.
      • field

        Inspector field​(String name)
        Access an field in an object by symbol name. If the current Inspector doesn't connect to an object value, or the object value does not contain a field with the given symbol name, the returned Inspector will be invalid.
        name - symbol name.
        a new Inspector for the field value.
      • equalTo

        boolean equalTo​(Inspector that)
        Tests whether this is equal to Inspector. Since equality of two Inspectors is subtle, Object.equals(Object) is not used.
        that - inspector.
        true if they are equal.