Interface ImplicitWaitService

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      <T> T executeWithDefaultImplicitWaitTime​(java.util.function.Supplier<T> supplier)
      Executes the given supplier with configured default implicit wait time.
      <T> T executeWithoutWaiting​(java.util.function.Supplier<T> supplier)
      Executes the given supplier without waiting implicitly.
      <T> T executeWithTimeout​(long timeoutInMillis, java.util.function.Supplier<T> supplier)
      Executes the given supplier with the given implicit wait time (in ms).
    • Method Detail

      • executeWithoutWaiting

        <T> T executeWithoutWaiting​(java.util.function.Supplier<T> supplier)
        Executes the given supplier without waiting implicitly.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The return type of the given supplier
        supplier - The code to be executed
        the result of the given lambda
      • executeWithDefaultImplicitWaitTime

        <T> T executeWithDefaultImplicitWaitTime​(java.util.function.Supplier<T> supplier)
        Executes the given supplier with configured default implicit wait time.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The return type of the given supplier
        supplier - The code to be executed
        the result of the given lambda
      • executeWithTimeout

        <T> T executeWithTimeout​(long timeoutInMillis,
                                 java.util.function.Supplier<T> supplier)
        Executes the given supplier with the given implicit wait time (in ms).
        Type Parameters:
        T - The return type of the given supplier
        timeoutInMillis - the implicit wait time (in ms)
        supplier - The code to be executed
        the result of the given lambda