


package dotterweide

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package build
  2. package compiler
  3. package document
  4. package editor
  5. package formatter
  6. package ide
  7. package impl
  8. package inspection
  9. package interpreter
  10. package lexer
  11. package node
  12. package optimizer
  13. package parser

Type Members

  1. case class Example(name: String, mnemonic: Char, code: String) extends Product with Serializable
  2. case class FileType(name: String, extension: String) extends Product with Serializable


    the human readable name for the type of file denoted


    the file name extension without period

  3. case class Interval(start: Int, stop: Int) extends IntervalLike with Product with Serializable

    An integer range (in a text).

    An integer range (in a text).


    start offset, zero based, inclusive


    end offset, exclusive (the interval length is end - begin).

  4. trait IntervalLike extends AnyRef
  5. trait Language extends AnyRef

    Access to a programming language, including description, lexer, parser, etc.

  6. trait Observable extends AnyRef
  7. trait ObservableEvents[A] extends AnyRef
  8. trait Output extends AnyRef
  9. trait Platform extends AnyRef

    A platform represents operation system specific details.

  10. case class Span(source: CharSequence, interval: Interval) extends IntervalLike with Product with Serializable

    A text span combines a text substring with its interval within a parent text.

    A text span combines a text substring with its interval within a parent text.


    the (entire!) parent text


    the interval to select a substring

Value Members

  1. object Extensions
  2. object Platform
  3. object Span extends Serializable
