
sealed abstract
class DoubleTop extends NumDouble[Double] with ScalarEqImpl[Double] with ScalarToNumImpl[Double] with FromAny[Double] with HasDefault[Double]
trait HasDefault[Double]
trait FromAny[Double]
trait ScalarToNumImpl[Double]
trait ToNum[Double]
trait ScalarEqImpl[Double]
trait Scalar[Double]
trait NumDouble[Double]
trait NumFrac[Double]
trait NumDiv[Double]
trait Num[Double]
trait Ord[Double]
trait Eq[Double]
trait Adjunct
trait Writable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object DoubleTop

Type members

Inherited types

type Boolean = Boolean
Inherited from
type Double = Double
Inherited from
type In = A
Inherited from
type Int = Int
Inherited from
type Long = Long
Inherited from

Value members

Concrete methods

def abs(a: In): In
def absDif(a: In, b: In): In
def acos(a: In): In
def ampDb(a: In): In
def asin(a: In): In
def atan(a: In): In
def atan2(a: In, b: In): In
def ceil(a: In): In
def clip(a: In, lo: In, hi: In): In
def clip2(a: In, b: In): In
def coin[Tx](a: In)(implicit r: Random[Tx], tx: Tx): Boolean
def cos(a: In): In
def cosh(a: In): In
def cpsMidi(a: In): In
def cpsOct(a: In): In
def cubed(a: In): In
def dbAmp(a: In): In
def difSqr(a: In, b: In): In
def div(a: In, b: In): In
def excess(a: In, b: In): In
def exp(a: In): In
def floor(a: In): In
def fold(a: In, lo: In, hi: In): In
def fold2(a: In, b: In): In
def frac(a: In): In
def fromAny(in: Any): Option[Double]
def gt(a: In, b: In): Boolean
def gteq(a: In, b: In): Boolean
def hypot(a: In, b: In): In
def hypotApx(a: In, b: In): In
def log(a: In): In
def log10(a: In): In
def log2(a: In): In
def lt(a: In, b: In): Boolean
def lteq(a: In, b: In): Boolean
def max(a: In, b: In): In
def midiCps(a: In): In
def midiRatio(a: In): In
def min(a: In, b: In): In
def minus(a: In, b: In): In
def mod(a: In, b: In): In
def negate(a: In): In
def octCps(a: In): In
def one: In
def plus(a: In, b: In): In
def pow(a: In, b: In): In
def rand[Tx](a: In)(implicit r: Random[Tx], tx: Tx): In
def rand2[Tx](a: In)(implicit r: Random[Tx], tx: Tx): In
def rangeRand[Tx](a: In, b: In)(implicit r: Random[Tx], tx: Tx): In
def ratioMidi(a: In): In
def reciprocal(a: In): In
def rem(a: In, b: In): In
def roundTo(a: In, b: In): In
def roundUpTo(a: In, b: In): In
def signum(a: In): In
def sin(a: In): In
def sinh(a: In): In
def sqrDif(a: In, b: In): In
def sqrSum(a: In, b: In): In
def sqrt(a: In): In
def squared(a: In): In
def sumSqr(a: In, b: In): In
def tan(a: In): In
def tanh(a: In): In
def times(a: In, b: In): In
def toDouble(a: In): Double
def toInt(a: In): Int
def toLong(a: In): Long
def trunc(a: In, b: In): In
def wrap(a: In, lo: In, hi: In): In
def wrap2(a: In, b: In): In
def zero: In

Inherited methods

def eq(a: Double, b: Double): Boolean
Inherited from
def id: Int
Inherited from
def neq(a: Double, b: Double): Boolean
Inherited from
def write(out: DataOutput): Unit
Inherited from