
Type members


trait BasicTxnImpl[T <: Txn[T], I1 <: Txn[I1]] extends Txn[T]
trait CastTxnFormat[T <: Txn[T], Repr <: ([~ <: Txn[~]] =>> Writable)] extends WritableFormat[T, Repr[T]]
trait ConstElemImpl[T <: Txn[T]] extends Elem[T]
trait ConstObjImpl[T <: Txn[T], A] extends Obj[T] with Publisher[T, A]
class CopyImpl[In <: Txn[In], Out <: Txn[Out]](implicit txIn: In, txOut: Out) extends Copy[In, Out]
object DummyEvent
trait DummyEvent[T <: Txn[T], +A] extends EventLike[T, A]
trait DummyObservableImpl[T <: Txn[T]] extends Observable[T, Nothing]
object ElemImpl
trait GeneratorEvent[T <: Txn[T], A] extends Event[T, A]
trait IChangeEventImpl[T <: Exec[T], +A] extends IEventImpl[T, Change[A]] with IChangeEvent[T, A]
trait IChangeGeneratorEvent[T <: Exec[T], A] extends IGeneratorEvent[T, Change[A]] with IChangeEventImpl[T, A]
trait IEventImpl[T <: Exec[T], +A] extends IEvent[T, A]
trait IGeneratorEvent[T <: Exec[T], A] extends IEventImpl[T, A]
trait MappingEventNode[T <: Txn[T], A, B] extends Node[T]

A trait which combined external input events with self generated events.

A trait which combined external input events with self generated events.

trait ObjCastFormat[T <: Txn[T], Repr <: ([~ <: Txn[~]] =>> Obj[~])] extends CastTxnFormat[T, Repr] with ObjFormat[T, Repr[T]]
trait ObjFormat[T <: Txn[T], Repr <: Obj[T]] extends WritableFormat[T, Repr]
object ObjImpl
trait ObservableImpl[T <: Txn[T], U] extends Observable[T, U]
trait RootEvent[T <: Txn[T], +A] extends Event[T, A]

A rooted event does not have sources. This trait provides a simple implementation of pull which merely checks if this event has fired or not.

A rooted event does not have sources. This trait provides a simple implementation of pull which merely checks if this event has fired or not.

trait RootGeneratorEvent[T <: Txn[T], A] extends GeneratorEvent[T, A] with RootEvent[T, A]

A generator without further sources.

A generator without further sources.

trait SingleEvent[T <: Txn[T], +A] extends Event[T, A]
trait SingleEventNode[T <: Txn[T], +A] extends Node[T]

Standalone events unite a node and one particular event.

Standalone events unite a node and one particular event.

WARNING: the implementations of equals are really tricky right now. EventImpl is more specific in that VirtualNodeSelector checks if the compared object is another VirtualNodeSelector whose reactor has the same id and whose slot is the same. On the other hand Invariant inherits equals from Reactor which checks for another reactor and then compares their ids.

I don't know if Reactor still needs the equals implementation?

class SysInMemoryMap[T <: Txn[T], K, V] extends RefMap[T, K, V]
class SysInMemoryRef[A](val peer: Ref[A]) extends Var[TxnLike, A]
class SysInMemorySet[T <: Txn[T], A] extends RefSet[T, A]
object TMapImpl