
object Set
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


type Branch[T <: Exec[T], A] = Branch[T, A, A]
type Leaf[T <: Exec[T], A] = Leaf[T, A, A]
type Node[T <: Exec[T], A] = Node[T, A, A]

Value members

Concrete methods

def empty[T <: Exec[LazyRef(...)], A](implicit tx: T, ord: TOrdering[T, A], keyFormat: TFormat[T, A]): Set[T, A]

Creates a new empty skip list with default minimum gap parameter of 2 and no key observer. Type parameter S specifies the STM system to use. Type parameter A specifies the type of the keys stored in the list.

Creates a new empty skip list with default minimum gap parameter of 2 and no key observer. Type parameter S specifies the STM system to use. Type parameter A specifies the type of the keys stored in the list.

Value parameters:

the format for the elements, in case a persistent STM is used.


the ordering of the keys. This is an instance of txn.Ordering to allow for specialized versions and transactional restrictions.


the transaction in which to initialize the structure

def empty[T <: Exec[LazyRef(...)], A](minGap: Int, keyObserver: KeyObserver[T, A])(implicit tx: T, ord: TOrdering[T, A], keyFormat: TFormat[T, A]): Set[T, A]

Creates a new empty skip list. Type parameter S specifies the STM system to use. Type parameter A specifies the type of the keys stored in the list.

Creates a new empty skip list. Type parameter S specifies the STM system to use. Type parameter A specifies the type of the keys stored in the list.

Value parameters:

the format for the elements, in case a persistent STM is used.


an object which observes key promotions and demotions. Use NoKeyObserver (default) if key motions do not need to be monitored. The monitoring allows the use of the skip list for synchronized decimation of related data structures, such as the deterministic skip quadtree.


the minimum gap-size used for the skip list. This value must be between 1 and 126 inclusive.


the ordering of the keys. This is an instance of txn.Ordering to allow for specialized versions and transactional restrictions.


the transaction in which to initialize the structure

def format[T <: Exec[LazyRef(...)], A](keyObserver: KeyObserver[T, A])(implicit ordering: TOrdering[T, A], keyFormat: TFormat[T, A]): TFormat[T, Set[T, A]]
def read[T <: Exec[LazyRef(...)], A](in: DataInput, keyObserver: KeyObserver[T, A])(implicit tx: T, ordering: TOrdering[T, A], keyFormat: TFormat[T, A]): Set[T, A]