
class StmObjAttrMapCellView[T <: Txn[T]](attr0: AttrMap[T], key: String, tx0: T)(implicit context: Context[T]) extends CellView[T, Option[Obj[T]]]

A CellView[T, Option[LObj[T]] built from an LObj.attr.

This is very similar to StmObjCtxCellView, which is built for a context attribute map, but the two classes have to be distinguished because LObj.AttrMap must be put into a handle, and because this forms a special case when used instead an LObj expression.

Depending on the kind of context passed, this will transparently install event reactors or simply register the events used in the expression program.

trait CellView[T, Option[Obj[T]]]
trait Source[T, Option[Obj[T]]]
trait Observable[T, Option[Obj[T]]]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply()(implicit tx: T): Option[Obj[T]]
def react(fun: T => Option[Obj[T]] => Unit)(implicit tx: T): Disposable[T]