
trait HyperCube[-P, H]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def containsH(hyperCube: H): Boolean

Checks whether a given hyper-cube is fully contained in this hyper-cube. This is also the case if their bounds full match.

Checks whether a given hyper-cube is fully contained in this hyper-cube. This is also the case if their bounds full match.

def containsP(point: P): Boolean
def greatestInterestingH(a: H, b: P): H

Calculates the greatest interesting hyper-cube inside this hyper-cube which contains both hyper-cube a and point b, and they occupy distinct orthants.

Calculates the greatest interesting hyper-cube inside this hyper-cube which contains both hyper-cube a and point b, and they occupy distinct orthants.

def greatestInterestingP(a: P, b: P): H

Calculates the greatest interesting hyper-cube inside this hyper-cube which contains both points a and b, and they occupy distinct orthants.

Calculates the greatest interesting hyper-cube inside this hyper-cube which contains both points a and b, and they occupy distinct orthants.

def indexOfH(inner: H): Int

Determines the orthant index of another internal hyper-cube inner.

Determines the orthant index of another internal hyper-cube inner.


the index of the orthant (beginning at 0), or -1 if inner lies outside of this hyper-cube.

def indexOfP(point: P): Int

Determines the orthant index of a point point.

Determines the orthant index of a point point.


the index of the orthant (beginning at 0), or -1 if point lies outside of this hyper-cube.

def maxDistance(point: P): Double

Calculates the maximum distance to a point in the euclidean metric. This calls maxDistanceSq and then takes the square root.

Calculates the maximum distance to a point in the euclidean metric. This calls maxDistanceSq and then takes the square root.

def minDistance(point: P): Double

Calculates the minimum distance to a point in the euclidean metric. This calls minDistanceSq and then takes the square root.

Calculates the minimum distance to a point in the euclidean metric. This calls minDistanceSq and then takes the square root.

def orthant(idx: Int): H