
object DigitalIn extends ProductReader[DigitalIn]
trait ProductReader[DigitalIn]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply(pin: Pin, pull: Ex[Option[Boolean]], init: Ex[Boolean], debounce: Ex[Int]): DigitalIn

Creates a digital input on the given pin. It can be used to attach and listen to buttons on the GPIO, for example.

Creates a digital input on the given pin. It can be used to attach and listen to buttons on the GPIO, for example.

''Note:'' Because initialization takes place outside a transaction, the value of the pin is initially unknown and thus can be given as init. When initialized, this pin is actually polled, potentially triggering actions in the user code.

Value Params

if zero or positive, specifies a debounce option in milliseconds. Debouncing is used when due to noise or imprecision multiple button clicks are detected when they should be treated as one. Defaults to -1.


the assumed initial state (defaults to false)


the pin to poll


if defined, sets a pull-up (true) or pull-down (false) resistor. Defaults to None.

def read(in: RefMapIn, key: String, arity: Int, adj: Int): DigitalIn
Definition Classes