
trait Context[T <: Exec[T]]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def allocToken[A]()(implicit tx: T): It[A]
def expand[A](pat: Pat[A])(implicit tx: T): Stream[T, A]
def mkItStream[A](token: Int)(implicit tx: T): Stream[T, A]

This method should be called by an ItStream when it is expanded (new). Looks up the ItStreamSource for the token, and invokes its own mkItStream.

This method should be called by an ItStream when it is expanded (new). Looks up the ItStreamSource for the token, and invokes its own mkItStream.

def mkRandom(ref: AnyRef)(implicit tx: T): RandomObj[T]

Creates a new pseudo-random number generator.

Creates a new pseudo-random number generator.

def registerItStream[A](it: ItStream[T, A])(implicit tx: T): Unit

This method should be called by an ItStream after it has been read in de-serialization. Looks up the ItStreamSource for it.token, and invokes its own registerItStream.

This method should be called by an ItStream after it has been read in de-serialization. Looks up the ItStreamSource for it.token, and invokes its own registerItStream.

def requestInput[V](input: Input { type Value = V; })(implicit tx: T): V
def setRandomSeed(n: Long)(implicit tx: T): Unit
def withItSource[A, B](source: ItStreamSource[T, A])(thunk: => B)(implicit tx: T): B
def withItSources[B](sources: ItStreamSource[T, _]*)(thunk: => B)(implicit tx: T): B



def streamFormat[A]: TFormat[T, Stream[T, A]]