
trait Server extends ServerLike with Model[Update]

The client-side representation of the SuperCollider server.

The client-side representation of the SuperCollider server.

Additional operations are available by importing Ops._.

trait Model[Update]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def !(p: Packet): Unit

Sends out an OSC packet without waiting for any replies.

Sends out an OSC packet without waiting for any replies.

def !![A](packet: Packet, timeout: Duration)(handler: PartialFunction[Message, A]): Future[A]

Sends out an OSC packet that generates some kind of reply, and returns immediately. It registers a handler to parse that reply. The handler is tested for each incoming OSC message (using its isDefinedAt method) and invoked and removed in case of a match, completing the returned future.

Sends out an OSC packet that generates some kind of reply, and returns immediately. It registers a handler to parse that reply. The handler is tested for each incoming OSC message (using its isDefinedAt method) and invoked and removed in case of a match, completing the returned future.

If the handler does not match in the given timeout period, the future fails with a Timeout exception, and the handler is removed.

Value Params

the handler to match against incoming messages


the packet to send out


the timeout duration


a future of the successfully completed handler or timeout exception

See also
def allocAudioBus(numChannels: Int): Int
def allocBuffer(numChannels: Int): Int
def allocControlBus(numChannels: Int): Int

The last reported server data, such as number of synths and groups, sample rate.

The last reported server data, such as number of synths and groups, sample rate.

def dispose(): Unit

Disconnects the client, and frees any resources on the client-side.

Disconnects the client, and frees any resources on the client-side.

def dumpInOSC(mode: Dump, filter: Packet => Boolean): Unit
def dumpOSC(mode: Dump, filter: Packet => Boolean): Unit
def dumpOutOSC(mode: Dump, filter: Packet => Boolean): Unit
def freeAudioBus(index: Int): Unit
def freeBuffer(index: Int): Unit
def freeControlBus(index: Int): Unit
def isConnected: Boolean
def isLocal: Boolean
def isOffline: Boolean
def isRunning: Boolean
def nextNodeId(): Int
def nextSyncId(): Int
def queryCounts(): Unit

Shortcut to this ! message.Status. If the 'alive thread' is running, it will take care of querying the counts frequently.

Shortcut to this ! message.Status. If the 'alive thread' is running, it will take care of querying the counts frequently.

def quit(): Unit

Sends a quitMsg and then invokes dispose().

Sends a quitMsg and then invokes dispose().

def sampleRate: Double

Shortcut to counts.sampleRate.

Shortcut to counts.sampleRate.

def startAliveThread(delay: Float, period: Float, deathBounces: Int): Unit

Starts a repeatedly running status watcher that updates the condition and counts information.

Starts a repeatedly running status watcher that updates the condition and counts information.

def stopAliveThread(): Unit
def syncMsg(): Sync

Allocates a new unique synchronization identifier, and returns the corresponding /sync message.

Allocates a new unique synchronization identifier, and returns the corresponding /sync message.

Concrete methods

Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
def dumpTreeMsg(postControls: Boolean): GroupDumpTree
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
def newMsg(target: Node, addAction: AddAction): GroupNew
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
def queryTreeMsg(postControls: Boolean): GroupQueryTree
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
override def toString: String
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

def addListener(pf: Listener[NodeChange]): pf
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def addListener(pf: Listener[Update]): pf

Registers a listener for updates from the model. A listener is simply a partial function which receives instances of U. Therefore the listener can decide with pattern match cases which updates it wants to handle.

Registers a listener for updates from the model. A listener is simply a partial function which receives instances of U. Therefore the listener can decide with pattern match cases which updates it wants to handle.


 m.addListener {
   case NcviewSync.Open(path) => ...

Note: If the listener should be removed at some point, it is important to store it somewhere:

 val l: NcviewSync.Listener = { case NcviewSync.Open(path) => ... }
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
final protected def dispatch(update: NodeChange): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup

Synchronously dispatches an update to all currently registered listeners. Non fatal exceptions are caught on a per-listener basis without stopping the dispatch.

Synchronously dispatches an update to all currently registered listeners. Non fatal exceptions are caught on a per-listener basis without stopping the dispatch.

Inherited from
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def mapMsg(pairs: Single*): NodeMap
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def mapaMsg(pairs: Single*): NodeMapa
Implicitly added by defaultGroup

Returns an OSC message to map from an mono-channel audio bus to one of the node's controls.

Returns an OSC message to map from an mono-channel audio bus to one of the node's controls.

Note that a mapped control acts similar to an InFeedback UGen in that it does not matter whether the audio bus was written before the execution of the synth whose control is mapped or not. If it was written before, no delay is introduced, otherwise a delay of one control block is introduced.

See also


Inherited from
Implicitly added by defaultGroup

Returns an OSC message to map from an mono- or multi-channel audio bus to one of the node's controls.

Returns an OSC message to map from an mono- or multi-channel audio bus to one of the node's controls.

Note that a mapped control acts similar to an InFeedback UGen in that it does not matter whether the audio bus was written before the execution of the synth whose control is mapped or not. If it was written before, no delay is introduced, otherwise a delay of one control block is introduced.

See also


Inherited from
def mapnMsg(mappings: ControlKBusMap*): NodeMapn
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
Implicitly added by defaultGroup

Creates an OSC message to move this node after another node

Creates an OSC message to move this node after another node

Value Params

the node after which to move this node

See also
Inherited from
Implicitly added by defaultGroup

Creates an OSC message to move this node before another node

Creates an OSC message to move this node before another node

Value Params

the node before which to move this node

See also
Inherited from
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def name: String
Inherited from
final def onEnd(thunk: => Unit): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
final def onGo(thunk: => Unit): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
final def register(): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
protected def releaseListeners(): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup

Removes all listeners. This is useful when disposing the model, to remove any unnecessary references.

Removes all listeners. This is useful when disposing the model, to remove any unnecessary references.

Inherited from
def releaseMsg(releaseTime: Double): NodeSet
Implicitly added by defaultGroup

A utility method which calls setMsg assuming a control named gate. The release time argument is modified to correspond with the interpretation of the gate argument in an EnvGen UGen. This is the case for synths created with the package method play.

A utility method which calls setMsg assuming a control named gate. The release time argument is modified to correspond with the interpretation of the gate argument in an EnvGen UGen. This is the case for synths created with the package method play.

Value Params

the optional release time in seconds within which the synth should fade out, or -1 (default) if the envelope should be released at its nominal release time. If the EnvGen has a doneAction of freeSelf, the synth will be freed after the release phase.

See also


Inherited from
def removeListener(pf: Listener[NodeChange]): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def removeListener(pf: Listener[Update]): Unit

Un-registers a listener for updates from the model.

Un-registers a listener for updates from the model.

Inherited from
def runMsg(flag: Boolean): NodeRun
Implicitly added by defaultGroup

Returns an OSC message to resume the node if it was paused.

Returns an OSC message to resume the node if it was paused.

Value Params

if true the node is resumed, if false it is paused.

See also
Inherited from
Implicitly added by defaultGroup

Returns an OSC message to resume the node if it was paused.

Returns an OSC message to resume the node if it was paused.

See also
Inherited from
def setMsg(pairs: ControlSet*): NodeSet
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def setnMsg(pairs: ControlSet*): NodeSetn
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
protected def startListening(): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup

Subclasses can override this to issue particular actions when the first listener has been registered

Subclasses can override this to issue particular actions when the first listener has been registered

Inherited from
protected def stopListening(): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup

Subclasses can override this to issue particular actions when the last listener has been unregistered

Subclasses can override this to issue particular actions when the last listener has been unregistered

Inherited from
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from

Abstract fields