
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


trait ExprImpl[T <: Txn[T], A] extends ValueBaseImpl[T, A]

For expression like objects, whose type matches A

For expression like objects, whose type matches A

trait TrySink[T <: Txn[T]] extends AuralAttribute[T]
trait ValueBaseImpl[T <: Txn[T], A] extends AuralAttributeImpl[T] with Source[T, A]

For expression like objects, but not necessarily matching the type A

For expression like objects, but not necessarily matching the type A

Value members

Concrete methods

def addFactory(f: Factory): Unit
def apply[T <: Txn[LazyRef(...)]](key: String, value: Obj[T], observer: Observer[T])(implicit tx: T, context: AuralContext[T]): AuralAttribute[T]
def expr[T <: Txn[LazyRef(...)], A](key: String, value: IExpr[T, A], observer: Observer[T])(implicit tx: T, context: AuralContext[T]): AuralAttribute[T]
def factories: Iterable[Factory]
def startLevelView[T <: Txn[LazyRef(...)]](obj: Obj[T])(implicit tx: T): ControlValuesView[T]