
trait AuralSystem extends Observable[RT, State]

An AuralSystem is the logical representation of a sound synthesis server, whether running or not. To use an aural system, a client connects via addClient. The client will be notified when the server is up and running.

An AuralSystem is the logical representation of a sound synthesis server, whether running or not. To use an aural system, a client connects via addClient. The client will be notified when the server is up and running.

trait Observable[RT, State]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def connect(config: Config, client: Config)(tx: RT): Unit

Connects to a running server.

Connects to a running server.

def reactNow(fun: RT => State => Unit)(tx: RT): Disposable[RT]
def serverOption(tx: RT): Option[Server]
def start(config: Config, client: Config, connect: Boolean)(tx: RT): Unit

Boots the server, or connects to an existing one. This method must be called from within a transaction.

Boots the server, or connects to an existing one. This method must be called from within a transaction.

Value Params

if true, tries to connect to a running server; if false, starts a new scsynth process.

def state(tx: RT): State
def stop(tx: RT): Unit

Quits the server. This method must not be called from within a transaction.

Quits the server. This method must not be called from within a transaction.

def whenStarted(fun: Server => Unit)(tx: RT): Unit

Registers a callback to be invoked when the server has been booted. If the server is already running, this has no effect. This method is transaction safe.

Registers a callback to be invoked when the server has been booted. If the server is already running, this has no effect. This method is transaction safe.

The function is always execution outside of a transaction.

Inherited methods

def react(fun: RT => State => Unit)(tx: RT): Disposable[RT]

Registers a live observer with this observable. The method is called with the observing function which receives the observable's update message of type A, and the method generates an opaque Disposable instance, which may be used to remove the observer eventually (through the dispose method).

Registers a live observer with this observable. The method is called with the observing function which receives the observable's update message of type A, and the method generates an opaque Disposable instance, which may be used to remove the observer eventually (through the dispose method).

Inherited from