



package itestsupport

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package compress
  2. package condition
  3. package docker
  4. package http
  5. package jms
  6. package jmx
  7. package jolokia
  8. package ldap
  9. package ssl

Type Members

  1. trait BlendedIntegrationTestSupport extends AnyRef
  2. case class ContainerLink(container: String, hostname: String) extends Product with Serializable
  3. case class ContainerUnderTest(ctName: String, imgPattern: String, imgId: String, dockerName: String, volumes: List[VolumeConfig] = List.empty, links: List[ContainerLink] = List.empty, ports: Map[String, NamedContainerPort] = Map.empty, env: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) extends Product with Serializable
  4. class DockerbasedTestconnectorSetupActor extends Actor with ActorLogging with MemoryStash

    This class encapsulates the start sequence of all configured docker containers in preparation of the integration test.

    This class encapsulates the start sequence of all configured docker containers in preparation of the integration test.

    The start sequence is kicked off with a StartContainerManager message, which will initialize a docker container manager and hand over the configuration of all ContainersUnderTest.

    The Actor will stay in "starting" state as long as not all containers have been started within docker. Whenever a container is started successfully, the corresponding ContainerUnderTest config is updated with the port mappings of the exposed docker ports, so that they can be used to set up the required connections for testing.

    Once all containers are started, the accumulated updated config is sent back with a ContainerManagerStarted message. The accumulated config is then used to call TestConnectorSetup.configure. It is in the developers responsibility to setup all required connection information within the TestConnector required to execute the tests.

    !!! Note : The TestConnector information is also used to execute the conditions checking if the containers are ready to go for the tests.

  5. case class NamedContainerPort(name: String, privatePort: Int, publicPort: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  6. trait TestConnectorSetup extends AnyRef

    Used to set up the test connector.

  7. case class VolumeConfig(hostDirectory: String, containerDirectory: String) extends Product with Serializable
