
See thePravegaTable companion object
trait PravegaTable

Pravega Table API.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def merge[K, V](tableName: String, key: K, value: V, combine: (V, V) => V, settings: TableWriterSettings[K, V]): Task[V]

Upsert a value in a Pravega table, may overwrite existing values.

Upsert a value in a Pravega table, may overwrite existing values.


def put[K, V](tableName: String, key: K, value: V, settings: TableWriterSettings[K, V]): Task[Unit]

Insert a value in a Pravega table, may overwrite existing values.

Insert a value in a Pravega table, may overwrite existing values.


def readerFlow[K, V](tableName: String, settings: TableReaderSettings[K, V]): ZPipeline[Any, Throwable, K, Option[TableEntry[V]]]

Create a reader flow, which reads from a KVP Pravega table.

Create a reader flow, which reads from a KVP Pravega table.

The reader flow emits an optional value, which is None if the key is not found.


def sink[K, V](tableName: String, settings: TableWriterSettings[K, V], combine: (V, V) => V): ZSink[Any, Throwable, (K, V), Nothing, Unit]

Create a sink to write to a KVP Pravega table.

Create a sink to write to a KVP Pravega table.

A @combine function is used to merge old and new entries.


def source[K, V](tableName: String, settings: TableReaderSettings[K, V]): ZStream[Any, Throwable, TableEntry[V]]

Create a reader source, which reads from a KVP Pravega table.

Create a reader source, which reads from a KVP Pravega table.

Read entries are emitted in chunks.


def writerFlow[K, V](tableName: String, settings: TableWriterSettings[K, V], combine: (V, V) => V): ZPipeline[Any, Throwable, (K, V), (K, V)]

Create a writer flow to a KVP Pravega table.

Create a writer flow to a KVP Pravega table.

A @combine function is used to merge old and new entries, and new values are emitted.
