
See thePravegaStream companion trait
object PravegaStream

Pravega Stream API.

This API is a wrapper around the Pravega Java API.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def eventStream[A](readerGroupName: String, settings: ReaderSettings[A]): ZStream[PravegaStream, Throwable, EventRead[A]]

Stream of events. See zio.pravega.PravegaStream.eventStream.

Stream of events. See zio.pravega.PravegaStream.eventStream.


def fromScope(scope: String): ZLayer[Scope & ClientConfig, Throwable, PravegaStream]

Creates a Pravega stream Service from a scope.

Creates a Pravega stream Service from a scope.

Requires a ClientConfig to be provided in the environment.


def fromScope(scope: String, clientConfig: ClientConfig): ZLayer[Scope, Throwable, PravegaStream]
def sharedTransactionalSink[A](streamName: String, txUUID: Promise[Nothing, UUID], settings: WriterSettings[A]): ZSink[PravegaStream, Throwable, A, Nothing, Unit]

Sink that writes to a transactional stream.

Sink that writes to a transactional stream.

  • The transaction id is generated by the writer, once the transaction is created.
  • The transaction is not committed
  • The transaction is aborted by the writer in case of failure.


def sharedTransactionalSink[A](streamName: String, txUUID: UUID, settings: WriterSettings[A], commitOnExit: Boolean): ZSink[PravegaStream, Throwable, A, Nothing, Unit]

Sink that writes to a transactional stream.

Sink that writes to a transactional stream.

  • The transaction id is provided by the caller.
  • The transaction may be committed by the writer.
  • The transaction is aborted by the writer in case of failure.


def sink[A](streamName: String, settings: WriterSettings[A]): ZSink[PravegaStream, Throwable, A, Nothing, Unit]

Sink that writes to a stream. See zio.pravega.PravegaStream.sink.

Sink that writes to a stream. See zio.pravega.PravegaStream.sink.


def stream[A](readerGroupName: String, settings: ReaderSettings[A]): ZStream[PravegaStream, Throwable, A]
def transactionalSink[A](streamName: String, settings: WriterSettings[A]): ZSink[PravegaStream, Throwable, A, Nothing, Unit]

Sink that writes to a transactional stream.

Sink that writes to a transactional stream.


def write[A](streamName: String, settings: WriterSettings[A], a: A*): ZIO[PravegaStream, Throwable, Unit]

Writes atomicaly to a stream. See zio.pravega.PravegaStream.write.

Writes atomicaly to a stream. See zio.pravega.PravegaStream.write.


def writeFlow[A](streamName: String, settings: WriterSettings[A]): ZPipeline[PravegaStream, Throwable, A, A]

Creates a ZPipeline that writes to a stream.

Creates a ZPipeline that writes to a stream.
