
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


class GQLDefault(value: String) extends StaticAnnotation

Annotation to specify the default value of an input field

Annotation to specify the default value of an input field

class GQLDeprecated(reason: String) extends StaticAnnotation

Annotation used to indicate a type or a field is deprecated.

Annotation used to indicate a type or a field is deprecated.

class GQLDescription(value: String) extends StaticAnnotation

Annotation used to provide a description to a field or a type.

Annotation used to provide a description to a field or a type.

class GQLDirective(val directive: Directive) extends StaticAnnotation

Annotation used to provide directives to a schema type

Annotation used to provide directives to a schema type

class GQLExcluded() extends StaticAnnotation

Annotation used to exclude a field from a type.

Annotation used to exclude a field from a type.

class GQLInputName(name: String) extends StaticAnnotation

Annotation used to customize the name of an input type. This is usually needed to avoid a name clash when a type is used both as an input and an output.

Annotation used to customize the name of an input type. This is usually needed to avoid a name clash when a type is used both as an input and an output.

class GQLInterface() extends StaticAnnotation

Annotation to make a sealed trait an interface instead of a union type or an enum

Annotation to make a sealed trait an interface instead of a union type or an enum

class GQLName(value: String) extends StaticAnnotation

Annotation used to provide an alternative name to a field or a type.

Annotation used to provide an alternative name to a field or a type.

class GQLUnion() extends StaticAnnotation

Annotation to make a sealed trait a union instead of an enum

Annotation to make a sealed trait a union instead of an enum

class GQLValueType(isScalar: Boolean) extends StaticAnnotation

Annotation to make a case class redirect to its inner type. The Schema of the inner type will be used, unless isScalar is true in which case a scalar with the name of the parent case class will be created.

Annotation to make a case class redirect to its inner type. The Schema of the inner type will be used, unless isScalar is true in which case a scalar with the name of the parent case class will be created.