
trait Product
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


type Of[F[_], R, E] = [t] =>> DecisionT[F, R, E, t]

Inherited types

type DT[F[_], R, E] = [T] =>> DecisionT[F, R, E, T]
Inherited from:
type MirroredElemLabels <: Tuple

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements

Inherited from:

The name of the type

The name of the type

Inherited from:

Value members

Inherited methods

def accept[F[_] : Applicative, R, E](ev: E, evs: E*): DecisionT[F, R, E, Unit]

Constructs a program that decides to accept a sequence of events

Constructs a program that decides to accept a sequence of events

Inherited from:
def acceptReturn[F[_] : Applicative, R, E, T](t: T)(ev: E, evs: E*): DecisionT[F, R, E, T]

Constructs a program that decides to accept a sequence of events and also returns an output

Constructs a program that decides to accept a sequence of events and also returns an output

Inherited from:
def lift[F[_], R, E, T](t: Decision[R, E, T])(using F: Applicative[F]): DecisionT[F, R, E, T]

Lifts a Decision to DecisionT

Lifts a Decision to DecisionT

Inherited from:
def liftF[F[_], R, E, T](f: F[T])(using F: Functor[F]): DecisionT[F, R, E, T]

Lifts an effect to DecisionT

Lifts an effect to DecisionT

Inherited from:
def pure[F[_], R, E, T](t: T)(using F: Applicative[F]): DecisionT[F, R, E, T]

Constructs a program that outputs a pure value

Constructs a program that outputs a pure value

Inherited from:
def reject[F[_] : Applicative, R, E](reason: R, otherReasons: R*): DecisionT[F, R, E, Nothing]

Constructs a program that decides to reject with a sequence of reasons

Constructs a program that decides to reject with a sequence of reasons

Inherited from:
def unit[F[_] : Applicative, R, E]: DecisionT[F, R, E, Unit]

Constructs a program that outputs a trivial output

Constructs a program that outputs a trivial output

Inherited from:
def validate[F[_] : Applicative, R, E, T](validation: ValidatedNec[R, T]): DecisionT[F, R, E, T]

Constructs a program that uses a validation to decide whether to output a value or reject with error(s)

Constructs a program that uses a validation to decide whether to output a value or reject with error(s)

Inherited from:


Inherited givens

given given_Eq_DecisionT[F[_], R, E, A](using Eq[F[Decision[R, E, A]]]): Eq[DecisionT[F, R, E, A]]
Inherited from:
given given_Functor_DT[F[_], R, E](using F: Functor[F]): given_Functor_DT[F, R, E]
Inherited from: