
object CSSMinifier extends DataURLPat
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


Value members

Concrete methods

def handleColors: Unit
def handleCommentsAndStrings(s: List[Char], done: StringBuilder, preservedComments: List[String], preservedStrings: List[String], charset: Option[String]): (String, List[String], List[String], Option[String])

Assume s is a complete css content or valid css content just after comment block; This function removes comments except ones starting with !, preserve comments starts with !, string literals and the fisrt charset.

Assume s is a complete css content or valid css content just after comment block; This function removes comments except ones starting with !, preserve comments starts with !, string literals and the fisrt charset.


(text without comments and strings to be removed,comments to be preserved,strings to be preserved,charset)

def handleEmptyLike(str: List[Char], prev: Option[Char], result: List[Char]): List[Char]

remove redundant leading and trailing whitespace-like chars, repeated semi-colons, repeated 0s(like margin: 0 0 0 0) and empty rules

remove redundant leading and trailing whitespace-like chars, repeated semi-colons, repeated 0s(like margin: 0 0 0 0) and empty rules

def handleZeros: Unit
def preserveURLs(s: String, done: StringBuilder, preservedURLs: List[String]): (String, List[String])

Leave data urls alone to increase parse performance.

Leave data urls alone to increase parse performance.

def readUntilClosingPairOrEOF(s: List[Char], close: Char, result: StringBuilder, prev: Option[Char]): Option[(String, List[Char])]
def run(css: String): String
def splitWhereAfter(str: List[Char], matcher: (Option[Char], Char) => Boolean, cursor: Int, consumed: List[Char], prev: Option[Char]): (Int, List[Char], List[Char])
def splitWhereBefore(str: List[Char], matcher: (Option[Char], Char) => Boolean, cursor: Int, consumed: List[Char], prev: Option[Char], shouldReverseBack: Boolean): (Int, List[Char], List[Char])

Inherited methods

def matchDataURLStart(str: String): Option[(Option[String], Int)]
Inherited from:

Concrete fields

final val startComment: Regex