class RedisClusterAsyncCommandsF[F[_], K, V](val underlying: RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands[K, V], codec: RedisCodec[K, V])(implicit F: Async[F], V: ClassTag[V], K: ClassTag[K]) extends CommandsDeps[F, K, V] with AclCommands[F, K, V] with BaseCommands[F, K, V] with ClusterCommands[F, K, V] with GeoCommands[F, K, V] with HashCommands[F, K, V] with HLLCommands[F, K, V] with KeyCommands[F, K, V] with ListCommands[F, K, V] with ScriptingCommands[F, K, V] with EvalScriptingCommands[F, K, V] with ServerCommands[F, K, V] with SetCommands[F, K, V] with SortedSetCommands[F, K, V] with StreamCommands[F, K, V] with StringCommands[F, K, V]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Value members
Inherited methods
Eval Lua Script
Eval Lua Script
Data type conversion is slightly odd. see[] Lettuce/Redis cant recognize "Redis status reply" or "Redis bulk reply" now (lettuce-core:6.1.5, redis: 6.2.1).
- Inherited from
- EvalScriptingCommands
Eval Lua Script
Eval Lua Script
Data type conversion is slightly odd. see[] Lettuce/Redis cant recognize "Redis status reply" or "Redis bulk reply" now (lettuce-core:6.1.5, redis: 6.2.1).
- Inherited from
- EvalScriptingCommands
def georadius(key: K, longitude: Double, latitude: Double, distance: Double, unit: Unit, geoRadiusStoreArgs: GeoRadiusStoreArgs[K]): F[F[Long]]
- Inherited from
- GeoCommands
def georadius(key: K, longitude: Double, latitude: Double, distance: Double, unit: Unit): F[F[Set[V]]]
- Inherited from
- GeoCommands
def georadiusbymember(key: K, member: V, distance: Double, unit: Unit, geoRadiusStoreArgs: GeoRadiusStoreArgs[K]): F[F[Long]]
- Inherited from
- GeoCommands
def georadiusbymember(key: K, member: V, distance: Double, unit: Unit, geoArgs: GeoArgs): F[F[Seq[GeoWithin[V]]]]
- Inherited from
- GeoCommands
def geosearchstore(destination: K, key: K, reference: GeoRef[K], predicate: GeoPredicate, geoArgs: GeoArgs, storeDist: Boolean): F[F[Long]]
- Inherited from
- GeoCommands
def migrate(host: String, port: Int, db: Int, timeout: Long, migrateArgs: MigrateArgs[K]): F[F[String]]
- Inherited from
- KeyCommands
def xclaim(key: K, consumer: Consumer[K], args: XClaimArgs, messageIds: String*): F[F[Seq[StreamMessage[K, V]]]]
- Inherited from
- StreamCommands
def xclaim(key: K, consumer: Consumer[K], minIdleTime: Long, messageIds: String*): F[F[Seq[StreamMessage[K, V]]]]
- Inherited from
- StreamCommands
def xpending(key: K, consumer: Consumer[K], range: RedisRange[String], limit: Limit): F[F[Seq[PendingMessage]]]
- Inherited from
- StreamCommands
def xreadgroup(consumer: Consumer[K], args: XReadArgs, streams: StreamOffset[K]*): F[F[Seq[StreamMessage[K, V]]]]
- Inherited from
- StreamCommands
def zrangebyscoreWithScores(key: K, range: RedisRange[Double], limit: Limit): F[F[Seq[(Double, V)]]]
- Inherited from
- SortedSetCommands
def zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(key: K, range: RedisRange[Double], limit: Limit): F[F[Seq[(Double, V)]]]
- Inherited from
- SortedSetCommands
def zrevrangestorebyscore(dstKey: K, srcKey: K, range: RedisRange[Double], limit: Limit): F[F[Long]]
- Inherited from
- SortedSetCommands