
package dev.tauri.choam

Members list

Type members


object Axn

Pseudo-companion object for the type alias Axn.

Pseudo-companion object for the type alias Axn.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type


final type =#>[-A, +B] = Rxn[A, B]
final type Axn[+A] = Rxn[Any, A]

The description of an effect, which (when executed), results in a value of type A; during execution, it may update any number of Refs atomically (and it may also create new Refs).

The description of an effect, which (when executed), results in a value of type A; during execution, it may update any number of Refs atomically (and it may also create new Refs).

This type forms a Monad. However, when composing these kinds of effects, also consider using Rxn and >>> or *> instead of flatMap.

The relation between Axn and Rxn is approximately Axn[A] ≡ Axn[Any, A]; or, alternatively Rxn[A, B] ≡ (A => Axn[B]) (see toFunction).


final type Reactive[F[_]] = Reactive[F]
final type Ref[A] = Ref[A]
final type RefLike[A] = RefLike[A]
final type Rxn[-A, +B] = Rxn[A, B]

Value members

Concrete fields

final val Reactive: Reactive.type
final val Ref: Ref.type
final val RefLike: RefLike.type
final val Rxn: Rxn.type