
trait ZLayerAspect[+LowerRIn, -UpperRIn, +LowerE, -UpperE, +LowerROut, -UpperROut]

Copy-paste of ZIOAspect, but for ZLayer. Intended to use with various temporal's options in order to override them


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
ZLayerAspect[LowerRIn, UpperRIn, LowerE, UpperE, LowerROut, UpperROut]

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Abstract methods

def apply[RIn >: LowerRIn <: UpperRIn, E >: LowerE <: UpperE, ROut >: LowerROut <: UpperROut](layer: ZLayer[RIn, E, ROut])(implicit trace: Trace): ZLayer[RIn, E, ROut]

Concrete methods

def @@[LowerRIn1 >: LowerRIn, UpperRIn1 <: UpperRIn, LowerE1 >: LowerE, UpperE1 <: UpperE, LowerROut1 >: LowerROut, UpperROut1 <: UpperROut](that: ZLayerAspect[LowerRIn1, UpperRIn1, LowerE1, UpperE1, LowerROut1, UpperROut1]): ZLayerAspect[LowerRIn1, UpperRIn1, LowerE1, UpperE1, LowerROut1, UpperROut1]

Returns a new aspect that represents the sequential composition of this aspect with the specified one.

Returns a new aspect that represents the sequential composition of this aspect with the specified one.


def andThen[LowerRIn1 >: LowerRIn, UpperRIn1 <: UpperRIn, LowerE1 >: LowerE, UpperE1 <: UpperE, LowerROut1 >: LowerROut, UpperROut1 <: UpperROut](that: ZLayerAspect[LowerRIn1, UpperRIn1, LowerE1, UpperE1, LowerROut1, UpperROut1]): ZLayerAspect[LowerRIn1, UpperRIn1, LowerE1, UpperE1, LowerROut1, UpperROut1]