
Wrap the IR.Pures/IR.Maps in the body of IR.Unsafe elements with ZIO.attempt. This is largely for the sake of tries working as expected, for example. (assume all the above examples are wrapped in defer { ... }) try { 1/0 } catch { case e: DivideByZeroException => ... } Normally with zio-run this will not be caught because 1/0 will not be wrapped into a ZIO.attempt. This statement will become succeed(1/0).catchSome { case e: ... } Instead we need it to become attempt(1/0).catchSome { case e: ... } This phase will do that.

Also in a statement like this try { val x = run(foo); 1/0 } catch { case e: ... } It will become run(foo).map(x => 1/0).catchSome { case e: ... } Instead we need it to become run(foo).flatMap(x => attempt(1/0)).catchSome { case e: ... }

Most interestingly, in a statement like this try { unsafe { (run(foo), 4/0, run(bar)) } } catch { case: e... } Normally it would turn into { collect(Chunk(foo, bar)).map(iter => { val par1 = iter.next; var par2 = iter.next; (par1, 4/0, bar) } We need it to become { collect(Chunk(foo, bar)).flatMap(iter => attempt { val par1 = iter.next; var par2 = iter.next; (par1, 4/0, bar) }

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[F[_, _, _] : Type, S : Type, W : Type](monad: DirectMonad[F, S, W]): WrapUnsafes[F, S, W]